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Lou Taylor & Jamie Lynn Spears "like" an IG post of Larry Rudolph's wife with Cade Hudson


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Not surprising, they are all very close from what it seems. If Britney thinks the family will change for her... no, and Lou will control things behind the scenes as always (allegedly).

I still want to know if Britney never suspected Cade and Bryan were traitors. Like... c'mon, way too obvious they have a great relationship with team con, because they always were part of team con.

Edited by Dark Willow
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5 minutes ago, Dark Willow said:

It's not that small.  Cade could be friends of many other manager, Larry isn't the only one.

Pretty clear they are very close, just like Lou.

All the same characters before the FreeBritney are showing up together again.

I don't think they should all be painted with the same brush though. Have they all failed/betrayed Britney in some way? Absolutely. However, I think Cade, Larry, Lou, Brian, JL, and Lynne each have different intentions and relationships with Britney, and she's smart enough to not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. 

Cade seems like he knows what he's doing from a professional standpoint, since Britney did Hold Me Closer while he was her manager, which was such a return to form for her. However, he seems like the kind of person who is friends with lots of celebrities like Paris Hilton and Emma Roberts, but is basically kept at arms' reach by them, whereas Britney has known him for years so may not think twice of him enabling her in an unhealthy way. Larry seems like he was along for the ride when it came to her personal health and the cship and probably focused more on her career rather than extricating Britney from a horrible situation that he likely knew was too extreme.

As for Loucifer, her nickname is well-earned. JL betrayed Britney in the worst possible way. Lynne doesn't seem any better, which is disappointing. However, Britney spoke really highly of Brian in her book, and I think the two of them experienced some severe familial dysfunction, which they probably helped shield JL from, that Britney looks to him as a calming force. She admits that she was feeling much better in 2015-16, which is apparently when Brian was more in charge of the cship and she was constantly posting about bonding with his daughter. She also seems much more at peace in her latest social media posts when she is with Brian than she has in a long time.

All of the people surrounding Britney are trash to some degree, but I think it's counterintuitive to give her a hard time for mending fences with some of them. 

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4 hours ago, Corey D said:

Obviously Jamie Lynn has been a horrible sister but nothing she’s done compares to her association with Lou Taylor! I can’t think of a worse betrayal! It really is disgusting and she deserves every dig Britney and the fans send her way.

I agree. To a point I can chalk up a lot of Jamie’s repulsive existence to her just being an raised in an environment that led her to become a cruel and entitled ignorant brat, but to cozy up to this gay demon exorcist muppet criminal fraudster/human trafficker is next level 

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31 minutes ago, britneyluv said:

I don't think they should all be painted with the same brush though. Have they all failed/betrayed Britney in some way? Absolutely. However, I think Cade, Larry, Lou, Brian, JL, and Lynne each have different intentions and relationships with Britney, and she's smart enough to not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. 

Cade seems like he knows what he's doing from a professional standpoint, since Britney did Hold Me Closer while he was her manager, which was such a return to form for her. However, he seems like the kind of person who is friends with lots of celebrities like Paris Hilton and Emma Roberts, but is basically kept at arms' reach by them, whereas Britney has known him for years so may not think twice of him enabling her in an unhealthy way. Larry seems like he was along for the ride when it came to her personal health and the cship and probably focused more on her career rather than extricating Britney from a horrible situation that he likely knew was too extreme.

As for Loucifer, her nickname is well-earned. JL betrayed Britney in the worst possible way. Lynne doesn't seem any better, which is disappointing. However, Britney spoke really highly of Brian in her book, and I think the two of them experienced some severe familial dysfunction, which they probably helped shield JL from, that Britney looks to him as a calming force. She admits that she was feeling much better in 2015-16, which is apparently when Brian was more in charge of the cship and she was constantly posting about bonding with his daughter. She also seems much more at peace in her latest social media posts when she is with Brian than she has in a long time.

All of the people surrounding Britney are trash to some degree, but I think it's counterintuitive to give her a hard time for mending fences with some of them. 

Sorry but I don't trust any of them.

Cade shouldn't be her manager in my opinion.

Not all of them have the same role and importance, but they all knew what was going on... 

I don't trust Britney judgement of character, not with the people she hangs out with... she always had this problem. I don't even need to mention her current/last boyfriend.

I know it seems wrong to point the finger at everyone, but this group of people is connected. If Larry and Cade cared about Britney they wouldn’t be near Lou Taylor, same with her family.

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One thing was clear and I though it was also simple to understand...

Team con would NEVER have taken the risk to let a potential danger, come in Britney's life, during the conservatorship! By a danger I mean, someone who could have exposed them and what they were doing during all these years! Do you think they are all d *umb or what?

I though it was obvious by now! EVERYONE in Britney's circle during the conservatorship was a soldier! They worked for Team con, all of them, only at different levels. THEY GET RID OFF Ali, Brett, Felicia, David, Charlie but they let a BFF and a boyfriend, the most risky roles, in Britney's life for some many years and for NO REASON? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!

I'm not surprised that Lou, Jamie Lynne, Larry and Cade are not even try to hide their relationships anymore, since how smart this fanbase is... They probably have the biggest smiles in their faces! Since they are free after they destroyed a woman's life and stole alot of her money... They are walking free without any consequences! They know the B-Army is d * umb AF, they won't risk anything with a fanbase like this! So they are not even affraid to show support to each other now! I feel so bad for Britney! She's alone and has nobody to stand up for her! To guide her! No one wondering why she's not doing better since all these years! They keep lying to her again and again and again...

Edited by Johanpapz
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