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Sam Asghari posts life update with Britney’s dog porsha

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8 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

I thought Lynne disliked Sam and now she's liking his posts...so despicable. 

My thoughts as well. I always got a hint of racism too.... Why does Lynn continue to be so awful... 

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4 hours ago, TenTen said:

Sinceramente non capisco l'odio per Sam. 

Non c'è una storia che dimostri che lui si stesse approfittando di lei. E ha avuto (e ha ancora) molte opportunità di guadagnare un sacco di soldi con i "bianchi sporchi" di Britney. 

Ha accettato di stipulare un accordo prematrimoniale, non parla di lei dopo il divorzio. Nelle rare occasioni in cui parlava di lei, non era altro che dolce e rispettava la sua privacy e la loro storia. A quanto pare non è facile avere intorno Britney, quindi complimenti a lui per aver trascorso così tanto tempo con lei, al suo fianco durante i suoi anni più difficili. 

He was the first to talk to the paparazzi at TMZ, in a concerted and prepared manner.

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7 hours ago, TenTen said:

I genuinely don't get the hate for Sam. 

There's not one story that proves that he was taking advantage of her. And he had (and still has) many opportunities to gain a ton of cash on Britney's 'dirty laundry'. 

He agreed on having a prenup agreement, he is not talking about her after the divorce. On the rare occasions when he did speak about her, he was nothing but sweet and respecting her privacy and their story. Apparently Britney is not easy to be around, so kudos to him for spending so much time with her, by her side during her toughest years. 

oh please who do you think was the source to TMZ after the news of the divorce, first they tried to imply that she was abusive and crazy and that was the reason why he decided to divorce, then since this story didn´t pick up as expected, they claimed that she cheated  with the housekeeper, a lot of hate he started to received, and after all this smear campaing days later he make a post on instagram that the divorce was amicable, and magically the narrative that TMZ tried to run stop. Don´t you think this is too much coincidence?

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13 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

I thought Lynne disliked Sam and now she's liking his posts...so despicable. 

The spears and the federlines (also Tristar) like everyone that hates Britney or is not on good terms w her. Because they hate her. 

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