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Britney's childhood work history

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This list is pulled from the first 9 chapters of her book. Her Timberlake story starts in chapter 10.

3 years old: Britney's first dance recital

4 years old:  her first singing solo

5 years old: Britney enters contests

8 years old: auditions for Disney, not accepted because she is too young

9 years old: Britney works in Grandma Lily's Deli 

10 years old: star search and job at Broadway theater

11 years old: Mickey Mouse Club

12 years old: Britney returns to Kenwood, goes to private school, drinks, smokes, drives, plays basketball.

14 years old: Britney loses her virginity.

15 years old: She signs up with Jive Record Company.  Britney suggests classroom setting and costumes for Baby one more time. Britney sings in malls to promote her music.

16 years old: Baby one more time is a hit!


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