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New Randee st Nicolas outtake

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Some of you act like Randee wasn't responsible for Britney's Private Show commercial (which we all loved) Work ***** single cover (which we all loved) and Britney's 2013/2016 Vegas shoots (which we all loved) Randee knows how to capture Britney is an elegant/beautiful way. All of Randee's pictures of Britney she looks beautiful, yeah she may use some choices of lighting effects that take away from Britney but how do we know Britney isn't enjoying them? Britney used to play with effects on her instagram. I think aside from the bright lighting in most pictures, Randee does a great job with Britney and she looks beautiful.


I will say I am glad we got the full David shoot as the original desert theme is so creative and artistic. Britney looked beautiful in those sets as well. I'm very happy the reissue was the original photography set from David's sessions. It's her best cover. However, if we never had those released, these pictures are way better than the screenshots of the video and I would have taken these for the "scrapped" version over the video stills any day


Both David's and Randee's were beautiful 

(I just wish they released the physical Glory CD with the original artwork from David like they did for vinyl and streaming)

Edited by LivingLegendaryBritney
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