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Britney says her boys ghost her and would ditch her on Christmas: "it's payback"

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20 minutes ago, iZacaree said:

I think this issue is a lot more complex that what we think we know. Her caption says a lot, if you pay attention. 

1. The boys are “visiting” her on Christmas? I’ve seen Britney refer to the time she spent with them as “visits” several times now. It seems like there was a significant drop in her amount of custodial time. This was probably for a reason. 

2. But who’s fault is it? Let’s not pretend like Britney was a good parent, at least not for a while. Originally, Britney lost custody of the boys back in 2007 because she was completely off the rails. She spent her time partying, refused to attend parenting classes, abused substances, was in and out of rehab, and didn’t attend required court hearings. No judge in their right mind would’ve given her custody in 2007/2008. 

3. Britney’s posts about her sons wreak of parental narcissism. She is only calling out their behavior and their lack of a desire to want to spend time with her, but fails to examine WHY they don’t want to spend time with her. She’s always throwing up all the material things she provided for them as solid reasons they should want to be around her. Not only is she blasting them online for all the world to see (one of whom is still a minor), but nowhere does she acknowledge the part she played in why there is a distance between them.

4. We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors and the boys have stayed constant in their desire to NOT want to be around Britney. Something clearly happened that made them extremely uncomfortable. Kids aren’t just going to want to permanently stay away from a parent unless there was significant damage and trauma. 

Check yourself before you put all the blame on her kids. They are victims in this situation. 

Wow thank you for saying all of this, to me this is a very insightful post. I agree with every word. 

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2 minutes ago, whenthedogscaneout said:

Hmm… you almost sound personally involved. :plzexplain_britney_karaoke_carpool_confused_oh_okay_hmm_nod_eyebrows_raised:

You could literally say the same exact thing about everyone else in this thread calling her sons names, so what's your point? :brityawning_britney_chaotic_sunglasses_tired: At the end of the day, we're all outsiders looking in, and the truth is often somewhere in the middle. It's clear as day Britney has issues. While we don't know the extent of it, something could easily have gone down that stopped them from wanting to see her. We're all making guesses here, but some people need to look past their own bias and the image of Britney they have in their head.

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5 minutes ago, i sometimes sing live said:

You could literally say the same exact thing about everyone else in this thread calling her sons names, so what's your point? :brityawning_britney_chaotic_sunglasses_tired: At the end of the day, we're all outsiders looking in, and the truth is often somewhere in the middle. It's clear as day Britney has issues. While we don't know the extent of it, something could easily have gone down that stopped them from wanting to see her. We're all making guesses here, but some people need to look past their own bias and the image of Britney they have in their head.


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16 minutes ago, i sometimes sing live said:

You could literally say the same exact thing about everyone else in this thread calling her sons names, so what's your point? :brityawning_britney_chaotic_sunglasses_tired: At the end of the day, we're all outsiders looking in, and the truth is often somewhere in the middle. It's clear as day Britney has issues. While we don't know the extent of it, something could easily have gone down that stopped them from wanting to see her. We're all making guesses here, but some people need to look past their own bias and the image of Britney they have in their head.

I already pointed out I don’t think it’s right to discuss this family stuff on instagram.

But I also don’t think it’s fair to look at her current situation after many years of abuse and then draw conclusions about their entire relationship. The oldest is 18. She never called any of them out until they sold her out on television with their dad and even then she deleted it. 

Not sure what triggered this one, but I would imagine it doesn’t feel amazing to have no human rights for 14 years just for the sake of occasionally seeing your kids (as you pay for their new lives with their dad and his trashy wife - that they respect more than you because you’ve been labeled as “crazy” from the start)… and then finally gain freedom only for them to ignore you, sell you out on television and leave the state. :xcuseme_mad_say_what_hmm_confused:

Ps it wouldn’t shock me if her son finally called her up after a very long time, she got excited, started opening up and feeling good, and then he somehow brought up that he needed money.

As for the user I replied to - they seemed personally invested… pointing out “parental narcissism” and other harsh words, declaring they are the victims while also saying none of us know anything… sounds kinda personal to me. 

Edited by whenthedogscaneout
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55 minutes ago, Chucky said:

Yes, Britney, keep dragging your kids publicly for doing what every bratty teenager who doesn’t know any better has done at one point. I’m sure that will do wonders for your relationship with them. 

I honestly agree with this. I understand Britney feels the need to express herself, but this will only sour her relationship more and more with her kids.

I know I'd be mad as hell if my mom had millions of followers and shared passive aggressive stories like these to her audience. Is it selfish? Totally... But they're teenagers/young adults, it's what it is. 

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