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Britney and her father in Family Guy's new episode (video)

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9 hours ago, Viking84 said:

1. Cancel culture is a term made up by the right. It generally involves someone's career being affected because they said something racist, s**ist, homophobic or transphobic. The right has a problem with this because they generally agree with what the person said. There is no law causing people to be "cancelled". It's just people no longer wanting to support someone who they consider to be a bad person, and that's their right. So there isn't really even such a thing as cancel culture. It's just something made up by the right to make excuses for nasty public figures.

2. I think you will find most left-leaning people have a problem with the word woke being used as a negative. Generally almost all black people in the US vote left. So yes, most black people would have a problem with this in the US.

3. The whole meaning of woke is to care about social justice. That's the definition of the word. Of course caring about social justice is always good. Effective? Well, look at the history of gay rights, black rights and women's rights. Did they come about by doing nothing or by fighting? Answer: always by fighting for it. The right doesn't like woke people because they challenge the status quo that they are comfortable with. That's how it's always been.

1. What you mentioned is one example of what cancel culture could look like. But even if we define cancel culture just by the example you gave, I still disagree with you. A company firing someone for racist behavior in the work place is good, but firing someone for a problematic joke they tweeted 20 years ago is wrong. These people will create social media campaigns to preassure a company to fire someone who doesnt deserve to be fired.

2. I follow ALOT of letists online, and they all speak out against woke and cancel culture. Even the biggest political leftist channel online like TYT are speaking against it. Black people vote left, but they are mostly conservative, and black media always use these terms like woke as a negative. And when I say black, I dont mean Candace Owens, I mean normie none political black media.

3. Defining your own political movement as good is not enough. And what you claim to fight for is also not enough. What matters is your actions and effectiveness. For example, Martin Luther King was effective in his fight for justice and it was real. While someone like Malcolm X whos seen as more righteous attacked Martin Luther King progress, ended up losing, and ended up joing a radical islamic moevement. 


Edited by fays1
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6 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

Nice bringing Sam (who’s unrelated to the topic at hand) along with everything else into your defense. You’re just grasping at straws at this point in trying to make yourself seem smart and credible. Just keep on digging that hole of yours, I’m interested in how far you’re gonna go to try to prove your opinion is right and is fact. What else are you gonna call me? I was done with this conversation, but I’m just DYING to hear what else is in your arsenal of insults for me!

haha I also support Sam I dont know understand any of the criticism

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3 hours ago, fays1 said:

haha I also support Sam I dont know understand any of the criticism

Me either, I’m not going to get into a discussion about Sam on this thread, but I have no problem with the guy. Britney loves him and he seems really good for her and that’s what matters to me is that after all these years of sleazy men taking advantage of her that she has a decent one that loves and supports her unconditionally.

Anyway idk why Viking had to bring him into this to try and discredit our arguments. Sam has nothing to do with woke/cancel culture and just because we defend him doesn’t make us dumb. Once he brought him up is when his entire argument went out the window because he’s literally grasping at straws to try and make a strong, persuasive argument about woke/cancel culture.

You’re bringing up really good and valid points btw, so keep it up lol. I loved the fact you brought up someone getting canceled on a decade old tweet like it’s true, people change a lot in that time. What should be looked at is how the person thinks and feels at the moment, not 20-30 years ago, I was a kid that long ago and I’ve obviously changed like everyone else since then.

I’m gonna add that people make mistakes all the time, we’re human, we’re not perfect. It’s your actions to how you handle your mistake is what matters to me. Like I understand punishing someone over something they said so they learn not to do that again, but let them admit they were wrong and take ownership that they ****ed up and that they’re willing to learn to grow as a much better person. 

Woke/cancel culture should be a positive teaching tool about how some things are not acceptable and they are willing to teach you more about how things work instead of going to the extreme and making sure that person can never show their face in public ever again. Like they didn’t commit a horrendous crime. Going to that extreme length to cancel someone is only just going to make the person bitter and also just make other people angry, hence why Trump has the following that he does. That’s a lot more dangerous than just trying to teach a person on how to grow and become a better person in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

Me either, I’m not going to get into a discussion about Sam on this thread, but I have no problem with the guy. Britney loves him and he seems really good for her and that’s what matters to me is that after all these years of sleazy men taking advantage of her that she has a decent one that loves and supports her unconditionally.

Anyway idk why Viking had to bring him into this to try and discredit our arguments. Sam has nothing to do with woke/cancel culture and just because we defend him doesn’t make us dumb. Once he brought him up is when his entire argument went out the window because he’s literally grasping at straws to try and make a strong, persuasive argument about woke/cancel culture.

You’re bringing up really good and valid points btw, so keep it up lol. I loved the fact you brought up someone getting canceled on a decade old tweet like it’s true, people change a lot in that time. What should be looked at is how the person thinks and feels at the moment, not 20-30 years ago, I was a kid that long ago and I’ve obviously changed like everyone else since then.

I’m gonna add that people make mistakes all the time, we’re human, we’re not perfect. It’s your actions to how you handle your mistake is what matters to me. Like I understand punishing someone over something they said so they learn not to do that again, but let them admit they were wrong and take ownership that they ****ed up and that they’re willing to learn to grow as a much better person. 

Woke/cancel culture should be a positive teaching tool about how some things are not acceptable and they are willing to teach you more about how things work instead of going to the extreme and making sure that person can never show their face in public ever again. Like they didn’t commit a horrendous crime. Going to that extreme length to cancel someone is only just going to make the person bitter and also just make other people angry, hence why Trump has the following that he does. That’s a lot more dangerous than just trying to teach a person on how to grow and become a better person in my opinion.

Yeah I dont think Sam is this amazing person, but there is no reason to hate him as of now. Everyone who dates Britney will be a potentially bad person who might use her. Its Britney and her lawyers job to protect her rights. We cant go into conspiracy mode every time someone gets into her inner circle.

Yes we change by time and become better human beings, but also our culture has changes with us. 20 years ago it was not seen as an issue if you do a chinese eyes in a photo, almost all of us have that kind of picture. We cant punish peoples past actions based on todays standards.

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13 minutes ago, fays1 said:

Yeah I dont think Sam is this amazing person, but there is no reason to hate him as of now. Everyone who dates Britney will be a potentially bad person who might use her. Its Britney and her lawyers job to protect her rights. We cant go into conspiracy mode every time someone gets into her inner circle.

Yes we change by time and become better human beings, but also our culture has changes with us. 20 years ago it was not seen as an issue if you do a chinese eyes in a photo, almost all of us have that kind of picture. We cant punish peoples past actions based on todays standards.

Yeah Sam acts kind of stupid sometimes which doesn’t help his image, but that’s up to Britney to decide if she wants to accept that or not. Yeah you drive people away from her when you start going into conspiracy mode aka what seemed to have happened with Vicki. Of course we don’t know the whole story as to what really happened, but I don’t think the conspiracy theories helped at all hence why Britney has been keeping whoever is her assistant now under lock and key.

Exactly 100% agree with this. I was guilty of it as a kid, should I be held responsible as a grown, mature, 31 year old adult of something I did at 8 years old? It’s ludicrous to even think that.

Edited by Blackout SZN
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2 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

Yeah Sam acts kind of stupid sometimes which doesn’t help his image, but that’s up to Britney to decide if she wants to accept that or not. Yeah you drive people away from her when you start going into conspiracy mode aka what seemed to have happened with Vicki. Of course we don’t know the whole story as to what really happened, but I don’t think the conspiracy theories helped at all hence why Britney has been keeping whoever is her assistant now under lock and key.

Exactly 100% agree with this. I was guilty of it as a kid, should I be held responsible as a grown, mature, 31 year old adult of something I did at 8 years old? It’s ludicrous to even think that.

I didnt even know it was an issue until recently, and im 33 years old! I come from a different country and culture so maybe thats why. Which is why context and intentions are important.

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17 minutes ago, fays1 said:

I didnt even know it was an issue until recently, and im 33 years old! I come from a different country and culture so maybe thats why. Which is why context and intentions are important.

Agreed, plus it seems like everywhere in the world is different and pretty much live by their own set of rules, but to me it feels like America is the one making all the rules for everyone else. Maybe it feels like that because I live here and haven’t been anywhere else in the world to see what’s socially acceptable or not idk. I can’t honestly say for certain if it’s us or not, but yes context and intentions are very important.

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4 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

Agreed, plus it seems like everywhere in the world is different and pretty much live by their own set of rules, but to me it feels like America is the one making all the rules for everyone else. Maybe it feels like that because I live here and haven’t been anywhere else in the world to see what’s socially acceptable or not idk. I can’t honestly say for certain if it’s us or not, but yes context and intentions are very important.

America doesnt really effect cultures around the world other than movie entertainment. If you culturally appropriate a culture outside of America, the same culture will thank you and very much appreciate it (including me). But in America, they will accuse you of racism!

If you tell a none white outside of America that their race is not capable of racism, they will take offense to it, and will be shocked by that statement. But in America, some say that black people are not capable of racism. Even though racism is part of all our human nature that will never die.

So imagine me coming here in America and being told contradicting things, and always being confused lol

Edited by fays1
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I reeeeeeeeeeeeally think this is distasteful. And they don't even make a statement or take a stance on it, they just parody people in their lowest. What's the point in that? Just some cheap laughs, and a sense that it's OK to use people's misery. Also, a show like this only perpetuates the idea that celebrities' personal lives are public commodities. This show is just awful.

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2 hours ago, fays1 said:

America doesnt really effect cultures around the world other than movie entertainment. If you culturally appropriate a culture outside of America, the same culture will thank you and clap for you. If you do it to my culture, I will thank you and will very much appreciate it. But in America, they will accuse you of racism!

If you tell a none white outside of America that they are not capable of racism, they will take offense to it, and will be shocked by that statement. But in America, some say that black people are not capable of racist acts.

So imagine me coming here in America and being told contradicting things, and always being confused lol

I’ve heard that before. One time like 10 years ago give or take, someone wore a kimono for a performance, maybe it was Katy Perry, idk, but people were outraged and you had this Japanese girl applauding her for wearing it. She didn’t understand why people were mad, she appreciated the reference to her culture. I always felt like cultural appropriation was *** backwards. People here want you to respect cultures, but then get angry when you embrace it when you aren’t that specific race for that specific culture. It’s so weird. Like which is it? You want me to respect it but not embrace it? Like c’mon.

I got into it with a former friend who was black/Latina and an sjw about reverse racism. She said it doesn’t exist because white people have the power, but I told her no it does exist. Places of business or colleges are more likely I feel to hire/accept a poc or an lgtq+ person over a white, straight person because they have a quota to show they are diverse. I notice it a lot because they almost brag about it (not the person but the company/college), for brownie points. Colleges will even offer special scholarships for people that aren’t straight and white. I noticed that a lot as well during my tenor in school and it sucked because I totally would’ve liked the assistance myself instead of all the loans I took out since I come from a family that worries about money all the time. At the time I was still in the closet about my ***uality and still figuring myself out, but if I had been out, I probably would’ve tried to get some more financial assistance.

Yeah I would be confused too because I’m always confused when it happens and I live here lol.

Edited by Blackout SZN
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2 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

I’ve heard that before. One time like 10 years ago give or take, someone wore a kimono for a performance, maybe it was Katy Perry, idk, but people were outraged and you had this Japanese girl applauding her for wearing it. She didn’t understand why people were mad, she appreciated the reference to her culture. I always felt like cultural appropriation was *** backwards. People here want you to respect cultures, but then get angry when you embrace it when you aren’t that specific race for that specific culture. It’s so weird. Like which is it? You want me to respect it but not embrace it? Like c’mon.

I got into it with a former friend who was black/Latina and an sjw about reverse racism. She said it doesn’t exist because white people have the power, but I told her no it does exist. Places of business or colleges are more likely I feel to hire/accept a poc or an lgtq+ person over a white, straight person because they have a quota to show they are diverse. I notice it a lot because they almost brag about it (not the person but the company/college), for brownie points. Colleges will even offer special scholarships for people that aren’t straight and white. I noticed that a lot as well during my tenor in school and it sucked because I totally would’ve liked the assistance myself instead of all the loans I took out since I come from a family that worries about money all the time. At the time I was still in the closet about my ***uality and still figuring myself out, but if I had been out, I probably would’ve tried to get some more financial assistance.

Yeah I would be confused too because I’m always confused when it happens and I live here lol.

I have the best argument against people who say racism must equal power. Just tell them what if a white man started saying racist things about Arabs and Muslims in Saudi Arabia? considering they have no power as a white male in Saudi Arabia, that means hes not racist? lol

And watch this video on Japanese people commenting on cultural apparopriation:


Edited by fays1
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3 hours ago, fays1 said:

I have the best argument against people who say racism must equal power. Just tell them what if a white man started saying racist things about Arabs and Muslims in Saudi Arabia? considering they have no power as a white male in Saudi Arabia, that means hes not racist? lol

And watch this video on Japanese people commenting on cultural apparopriation:


That was a really interesting video, thank you for sharing that. This just shows what’s wrong with woke/cancel culture in that the Americans harshly accused Katy of cultural appropriation, but in the same breath criticized actual Japanese people who felt honored by her performance that they didn’t know how to feel and that their reaction to THEIR OWN CULTURE mind you, being used in a music performance was wrong.

I see that with black people from time to time on social media. A lot of woke people in the comment section get angry at something posted and call it racist and that black people should be angry, but then you got a majority of black people in the same comment section that actually enjoyed what was shown, and they get angry at the woke people for telling them how they should feel about it.

In all reality, who’s really the racist? The person appropriating the culture, or the woke people trying to invalidate the people who’s culture was appropriated by telling them they’re wrong to feel honored by it or that they shouldn’t have enjoyed it? It’s a fascinating question that would be good for a college sociology class tbh lol.

Edit: I just watched her performance on YouTube and I gotta say it was a very beautiful and well thought out performance. Plus the song wasn’t even one of her ***ualized songs. Now if she sang I Kissed A Girl then maybe I could see a possible argument, but Unconditionally is the furthest thing away from being ***ual.

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7 hours ago, Blackout SZN said:

That was a really interesting video, thank you for sharing that. This just shows what’s wrong with woke/cancel culture in that the Americans harshly accused Katy of cultural appropriation, but in the same breath criticized actual Japanese people who felt honored by her performance that they didn’t know how to feel and that their reaction to THEIR OWN CULTURE mind you, being used in a music performance was wrong.

I see that with black people from time to time on social media. A lot of woke people in the comment section get angry at something posted and call it racist and that black people should be angry, but then you got a majority of black people in the same comment section that actually enjoyed what was shown, and they get angry at the woke people for telling them how they should feel about it.

In all reality, who’s really the racist? The person appropriating the culture, or the woke people trying to invalidate the people who’s culture was appropriated by telling them they’re wrong to feel honored by it or that they shouldn’t have enjoyed it? It’s a fascinating question that would be good for a college sociology class tbh lol.

Edit: I just watched her performance on YouTube and I gotta say it was a very beautiful and well thought out performance. Plus the song wasn’t even one of her ***ualized songs. Now if she sang I Kissed A Girl then maybe I could see a possible argument, but Unconditionally is the furthest thing away from being ***ual.

They will tell you to shut up and listen to minorities, when in reality minorities disagree with them. Example is AOC making tiktoks asking congress people to say Latinx when Latin people statistically hate that term. They dont care about minorities, they care about their political ideological agenda, and they will use minorities to push their politial ideology.

Anyway, its been nice talking to you I had fun lol

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3 hours ago, fays1 said:

They will tell you to shut up and listen to minorities, when in reality minorities disagree with them. Example is AOC making tiktoks asking congress people to say Latinx when Latin people statistically hate that term. They dont care about minorities, they care about their political ideological agenda, and they will use minorities to push their politial ideology.

Anyway, its been nice talking to you I had fun lol

Same me too! It was a very informative conversation! Probably the best one I’ve had on this site so far lol!

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