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Sam's Friend Maxi Seemingly Comments on TMZ Story; Posts audio saying "it's character assassination"

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41 minutes ago, easy said:

oh maxi must have seen everyone starting to speculate that he's the source so now he's switching back to defending britney. doesn't wanna lose his sam connection i see :cackling_cackle_lol_what_unbelievable_disbelief_glasses_meme:

My thoughts exactly. The way he blabs all the time about stuff he has no right to blab about to the public, I wouldn’t be surprised if he or someone else from Sams team is the one blabbing or sending stories to gossip accounts, TMZ or PageSix. I’m genuinely surprised he hasn’t been fired yet.

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4 minutes ago, DiamondCircus said:

Please Britney get out of California. 

I wish this so bad too. Cali is filled with predatory people, vices and just overall fakes who pretend to care about you when they only want clout.  A change of environment does wonders for people on a healing journey or wanting a change in their life for the better. 

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Okay. I cant believe yall are falling for yet another nasty scheme by team con. 

first, it was the restaurant “erratic” behavior issue and now this current issue posted  by tmz ****! That was later proven to be fake btw. 

also the “baby picture taking” issue. That was proven fake too. 

it’s so apparent what they’re trying to do to her.  This is character assassination and they are obviously framing her again. This should be obvious to us by now. But I guess we never learn do we?!? 

This is the same mistake we all did before. Believing the lies they made to justify Britney being in a 15 yr conservatorship. wake up!!!! Britney is fine and finally free! Let her be!

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5 minutes ago, hello70 said:

I wish this so bad too. Cali is filled with predatory people, vices and just overall fakes who pretend to care about you when they only want clout.  A change of environment does wonders for people on a healing journey or wanting a change in their life for the better. 

For sure Britney can go to a different state still close by to her kids, but it feels dangerous for her to be in CA the state that helped trap her.

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35 minutes ago, everybodygoesdown said:

It is downright dangerous that TMZ is posting this.

After being in a forced conservatorship for 15 years it should be OBVIOUS that any reporting on an “intervention” or her “needing to be saved” must be a HUGE anxiety trigger for Britney.
They just keep on trying to kill her themselves. Of course that would be the story of all stories and they’re probably foaming at the mouths thinking of all the clicks they’d get if they had the “Britney died” scoop.

Absolutely disgusting. 

I agree and it's a comment like yours that is so true, but for some reason when Sam talks to TMZ he gets a pass.

It needs to stop, TMZ is out to hurt Britney.

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2 minutes ago, dulcaewm said:

And my issue is that Sam knows this

Mine too, but some people make the excuse that Sam is trying to build a career in Hollywood and needs TMZ.

Others also make the excuse that if Britney had a problem with him talking to TMZ then he wouldn't.

It's just disgusting, no husband should feed that monster that's out to hurt his wife so badly. 

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