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A lot of people simply don’t want to believe Britney was abused.

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Just got out of a super deep conversation with a family member who is a psychologist and believes Britney is crazy…

he literally asked me “do you think she is crazy yet”

I came to her defense, named all the facts and explained how team con and her family conspired against her, human trafficked , and stole her money

they laughed when I said human trafficked…didn’t want to believe that 

they kept bringing up how she shaved her head, and she needed a conservatorship so she could get back to working and doing what was best for her and the family…

I brought up all the allegations of abuse and that the fbi literally investigated, mentioned how her team did a planned takeover of her life and career and paid off judges and lawyers , doctors …and he claimed that it’s all a conspiracy and asked why there were no charges yet against these people if it was true…

I told him the doctors were trying to kill her in the facility and they chose not to believe it and said “why would a doctor do that?”

tbh I can see why certain people simply  can’t wrap their head over all this, there’s just simply so much to unpack and a lot of people don’t wanna believe the horrors of Hollywood are true

but my god it’s so exhausting when you have educated family members in psychology who also look down at you for being a Britney fan and instead of listening to you they just pick apart your argument 



Edited by 3IsACharm33
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Ok, so according to him if someone shaves their head, they are qualified for a conservatorship? :cackling_cackle_lol_what_unbelievable_disbelief_glasses_meme:

No disrespect, but what a fkd up way of thinking :gross_britney_ew_sick_red_sunglasses_cringe_disgusted:

C-ships, aren't meant for functioning people, period. (Even tho I'm extremely against c-ships in general) So how come she could provide for all those leeches while being "unable" to be free and live her life the way she wanted to, at the same time? :wyd_wtf_meme_hand_umm_wth_what_the_hell:

Not to be mean, but this person you've spoken to is giving ignorant and unprofessional especially for diagnosing something to someone he never even met, in all honesty I wouldn't want to be one of his patient :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:

Edited by Exhaolic
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Well, I've had professional psychologists tell me to "pray to god" or use specific nutritional supplements as a solution to the issues I told them about, so having a title doesn't guarantee anything. And it's baffling to me that a mental health professional refers to someone as "crazy". 

Just don't entertain any of those conversations, it doesn't really help anyone as all they want to do is gossip about a celebrity. 

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my abusive parents had the same opinion, i stopped talking 2 them but they were like 🤭

”she’s insane, she did it 2 herself”

”her family was doing it 4 the best”

“i don’t believe her”

”i hate her, abuse isn’t real”

”she needs 2 shut up, she’s faking”

& the worst 1 😭

”i would do the same if i was the dad”

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5 hours ago, 3IsACharm33 said:

Just got out of a super deep conversation with a family member who is a psychologist and believes Britney is crazy…

he literally asked me “do you think she is crazy yet”

I came to her defense, named all the facts and explained how team con and her family conspired against her, human trafficked , and stole her money

they laughed when I said human trafficked…didn’t want to believe that 

they kept bringing up how she shaved her head, and she needed a conservatorship so she could get back to working and doing what was best for her and the family…

I brought up all the allegations of abuse and that the fbi literally investigated, mentioned how her team did a planned takeover of her life and career and paid off judges and lawyers , doctors …and he claimed that it’s all a conspiracy and asked why there were no charges yet against these people if it was true…

I told him the doctors were trying to kill her in the facility and they chose not to believe it and said “why would a doctor do that?”

tbh I can see why certain people simply  can’t wrap their head over all this, there’s just simply so much to unpack and a lot of people don’t wanna believe the horrors of Hollywood are true

but my god it’s so exhausting when you have educated family members in psychology who also look down at you for being a Britney fan and instead of listening to you they just pick apart your argument 



A lot of so called doctors are not good at their jobs. Many passed a few tests but that does not mean they are qualified and competent enough to aid in bettering others . Many of my own doctors I went for help to help were incompetent. Yet I can change doctors. Britney had no choice on who she saw. She was rebelling and young . She was not and is not crazy. If you do not see the trauma, then you need to open your eyes more . She has many issues that raise an eyebrow from her years of torture. She had endured years of trauma by her handlers.  Yet I know of doctors who say the opposite of her situation than your family member. They see abuse and a broken women. One i spoke to stated if people wanted to help her . Why push her to perform? Why an IUD? Why forced meds? It does not add up. They said where is all her money.  Many realize her level of fame. Many realize Hollywood is evil. Many are not fans of her but want justice for her . Why was she forced meds and stripped of her rights. Many see what was done to her was criminal. Many doctors see trauma .  People I talk to say listen to her speaking her truth. Yet some also say shes crazy. Thats their right to believe. Does she need help yes! Yet proper help on her own terms. Picking her own doctors. Yet she also needs time to heal.  That she has not been gifted. Her Instagram does not help her case. Yet I just see trauma like many see . Others who cares what they believe. Its their right and we can agree to disagree. 




Edited by Steve W
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Just a guess but imo most people tend to think of s** trafficing when they hear human trafficing so I think thats why people laugh when they hear it. I also think most people who arent fans think "boo hoo a multi miliionaire had some money stolen while I cant afford eggs" so thats why that argument doesnt work on them.

I realized with my own parents that they still had all the 2007messyness in their head but didnt really know anything about what happend during the cship because they didnt watch any of the documentaries and since me and my sister moved out they dont watch any celebrity news. When we were in the car the radio people spoke about Britney and were bashing her dad and my parents were offended on his behalf because he "saved her life" :awkblink_britney_awkward_blinking:


some people also think she was crazy and she really isnt helping herself with her whacky IG. Yall can pretend that its normal all you want but most people who arent crazy stans disagree. 

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5 hours ago, easy said:

a psychologist saying that is unsurprising tbh. they want to prescribe meds and don't care about the root issues. ask a therapist and they will tell you differently. they see her abuse, they see her attempts at healing. 

What? Psychologists aren't allowed to prescribe meds. They don't have a medical degree.

Therapists are less educated than psychologists.

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29 minutes ago, floopy22 said:

What? Psychologists aren't allowed to prescribe meds. They don't have a medical degree.

Therapists are less educated than psychologists.

yes i confused psychologists and psychiatrists

more education means nothing in regards to empathy towards recognizing abuse. a therapist is likely to be more empathetic than someone following the book aka a psychologist, therefor a therapist will see the signs of britney's abuse and subsequent healing process. 

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8 hours ago, aoki.loid said:

my abusive parents had the same opinion, i stopped talking 2 them but they were like 🤭

”she’s insane, she did it 2 herself”

”her family was doing it 4 the best”

“i don’t believe her”

”i hate her, abuse isn’t real”

”she needs 2 shut up, she’s faking”

& the worst 1 😭

”i would do the same if i was the dad”


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You shouldnt tell a Doctor that Doctors are trying to kill Britney for obvious reasons. And because we have zero evidence of that. Its literally the weekest argument you can come up with. And dont throw insane facts even if they are true, because none of them did the research we made.

I would just ask them who they believe should be under a conservatorship. Whatever they discribe wont match Britneys case, or atleast they wont have avidence that Britney qualifies for a conservatorhsip. Then you can prove to them from court files that there is no medical diagnosis, and they lied about her being her diagnosis.

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1 hour ago, Broccoli Spears said:

@3IsACharm33 Sounds like your family member was antagonising you which is pretty toxic behaviour.

Obviously they’re terrible at their job, because what kind of “professional psychologist” is out there labelling someone ‘crazy’ without any facts or knowledge about that person’s mental health. 

Basically was antagonizing me for being a Britney fan. The conversation started with us talking about musicians I like and there level of talent…then he said “well you also think Britney is talented…” that’s when he asked if I believe she is crazy yet because he keep up with her Instagram post

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