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Check out Britney’s son Jayden's recent interview for ITV News


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Your Mom is global pop star, Britney Spears. She’s always been ****, beautiful and resilient. Get over self and wake the **** up. Your Mom is a grown adult, she’s responsible and she gave you everything. She can post and do whatever the hell she wants. Your Dad on the other hand smokes w**d, cheats on women and does not work for a living. Silly boy. 

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8 hours ago, jordeezy said:

He really does look more like Jason Alexander than KFed tho.... Maybe Jason and Britney are like 3rd or 4th cousins and dont know it lol

No he just looks like Britney and I’m glad he does however he didn’t say anything wrong as in a mean way but  I didn’t watch the rest not going to but I think they feel (think) daddy Jamie is sane lol she already was a superstar at the time and no umbrella was ever gonna change that. But he’s a kid can’t expect him to understand 

first off, second what part of Britney saying she was FORCED to work doesn’t ring a bell here ? No one under a conservator ship should be forced to work let alone be under one for stupid **** from 2007 for 13 years ? Come on get real

Edited by DirtyRokBoi22
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18 minutes ago, Kletus said:

“Imprisoning her for 13 years was a little too long. I would’ve preferred her to be imprisoned for only 10.” - Jayden Federline

She didn’t even do nothing 

maybe she’s paranoid but so are a lot of folks and with millions of strangers usually in her face you’d be paranoid too 

but yea conservatorships should be removed from law because Britney was considered unable , yet forced to work that’s not right

No one who’s able to basically RUN Vegas needs to be told what to do maybe someone who’s reckless and endangering but not Britney 

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Dear child your Mom doesn’t have to go on instagram for attention . You went around when she made front headlines for wearing flip flops in a bathroom …. Re search your **** man .


 Britney Spears could fart in a McDonald’s and it would be on CNN. Not her fault it’s the media. At least instagram she has control and if you can’t respect that than maybe y you do need to be out of her life for a while .

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4 hours ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

I would not be surprised whatsoever if the boys have PTSD from cameras. Look at what they went through when they were born.

And wasn’t one of them freaking out on the red carpet of the Smurfs movie? Britney had to console him (I think it was Preston), and then almost immediately after took them both off of the carpet.

remember a video years ago when they were like 3 or 4 and preston yelled stop taking pictures and jayden goes I like the picture man....brit and jason were trying to hurry and get them in the car

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This whole thing is beyond devastating, for everyone. The Federline bottom feeders need to just stop, and Britney's sons need to be kept far out of the public eye until their frontal cortex is fully developed. When he said she does social media for attention, that is the whole point of social media - to draw attention to what you post. I can only imagine how attention seeking every celebrity he follows on instagram is. Almost every celebrity  in L.A. is a narcissistic egomaniac. That sounded coached to me, also when he said they have to deal with their 'emotional trauma'. I don't doubt they have trauma, but they have been trained to play victim. This is not what healing looks like for anyone. Kevin is doing damage control and using the boys, once again, as pawns. 


I used to raise a little Native American girl who was largely poisoned against me by her family. Ultimately I ended up with guardianship when her life was in danger because her home was full of **** users and her legal guardian was addicted to m***. That girl, I know, was told the worst things about me, as well as about white people in general. Her upbringing was racist and toxic. When we were in private, she would wrap her arms around me and whisper in my ear how much she liked me. But she wouldn't do it when other people were around, especially her family. I refused to speak badly of them in front of her though, it was not appropriate and it is not fair to confuse a child. Their little hearts feel love and loss in completely different ways. 

I have no doubt that if such a situation like this blew up, she would have done the same thing as Britney's sons. Their hearts probably tell a very different story, they just don't have the emotional maturity or critical thinking skills to comprehend that yet. They are appeasing the family patriarch, the solid family structure they are so dependant on, which is Jamie and/or Kevin. It's just beyond sad at this point. 

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