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Daddy Rose please sue the f out of K-Scum

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Defammation is difficult for a public figure. Her best bet might be to ask for the custody agreement to be looked at again by the court. The child support is excessive and was agreed by Jamie Spears not her. For the first time in 13 years she actually has the power to fight KFed on the custody issues. I know the time is short until they are 18 and she probably does not want to put the boys through it, but KFed is suggesting he would encourage a relationship between them and her alledged abuser Jamie Spears. As a mother I would not be happy about that and there have been other concerns as well, such as alleged pictures of ***** in the Federline household, their stepmothers criminal conviction and him recently exposing his minor children to the press. Legal custody (probably not physical at this stage) would give her a say over all of this. I don't blame her for not wanting other legal trials though in addition to trying to hold her father to account; howeer, if she did KFed might then learn that those in glass houses should really should not throw stones.    

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6 hours ago, Grace Kelly said:

Defammation is difficult for a public figure. Her best bet might be to ask for the custody agreement to be looked at again by the court. The child support is excessive and was agreed by Jamie Spears not her. For the first time in 13 years she actually has the power to fight KFed on the custody issues. I know the time is short until they are 18 and she probably does not want to put the boys through it, but KFed is suggesting he would encourage a relationship between them and her alledged abuser Jamie Spears. As a mother I would not be happy about that and there have been other concerns as well, such as alleged pictures of ***** in the Federline household, their stepmothers criminal conviction and him recently exposing his minor children to the press. Legal custody (probably not physical at this stage) would give her a say over all of this. I don't blame her for not wanting other legal trials though in addition to trying to hold her father to account; howeer, if she did KFed might then learn that those in glass houses should really should not throw stones.    

Yeah, I was wondering if getting back her share of legal custody (aka a say in their school/ lives etc) was coming. Apparently there is a hearing coming up in September. I also suspect Kevin will request even higher custody payments, so yeah a fight is coming. 

Im glad Britney has Rosengart. So far he is cleaning them all up. Kevin you are next! 

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It would be nice  if they could consider the child support as a percentage of her allowance that Jamie allowed her, as that was technically her income.  

Not probable of course.. but him throwing money at ********* while she saved and applied and  requested to be allowed  to buy her kids comic books is horrible. 

Family court should look at that situation too and adjust support (it was meant for kids, not we e d and *********)

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14 hours ago, Grace Kelly said:

Defammation is difficult for a public figure. Her best bet might be to ask for the custody agreement to be looked at again by the court. The child support is excessive and was agreed by Jamie Spears not her. For the first time in 13 years she actually has the power to fight KFed on the custody issues. I know the time is short until they are 18 and she probably does not want to put the boys through it, but KFed is suggesting he would encourage a relationship between them and her alledged abuser Jamie Spears. As a mother I would not be happy about that and there have been other concerns as well, such as alleged pictures of ***** in the Federline household, their stepmothers criminal conviction and him recently exposing his minor children to the press. Legal custody (probably not physical at this stage) would give her a say over all of this. I don't blame her for not wanting other legal trials though in addition to trying to hold her father to account; howeer, if she did KFed might then learn that those in glass houses should really should not throw stones.    

The boys don’t want to see her though.. one of them is literally 18 in one year... they are old enough to spend time with any parent whenever they want. They are 16/17.. they can even drive now. 

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1 minute ago, Blackout Britney said:

The boys don’t want to see her though.. one of them is literally 18 in one year... they are old enough to spend time with any parent whenever they want. They are 16/17.. they can even drive now. 

Yes, agreed, but legal custody is different from physical. You are still a minor at age 16/17 and cannot make legal decisions for yourself which is why your parents do it for you. Physical custody is do to with who they live and spend time with. Legal custody is decisions on their behalf as minors (under the UK system, but I think the US is similar). This includes involving them in press statements and other people they are allowed to spend time with (amongst educational, medical decisions etc). As a mother I think she has the right to have control over whether they are involved in media interviews. I also think she should have a say over whether they have contact with their grandfather (after the restraining order expires) given she has made some pretty serious abuse allgeations against him (which I happen to believe) and their is a history of aggression against them. All these things I believe may be in the boys best interest based on what KFed has just done. She also has the right to question why his child maintenance payments are so high (she did not agree these payments, her father did) and what they are actually being spent on (i.e. are they actually going towards raising the boys and not supporting the whole household). As a mother she has these right to ask these questions regardless of who her sons wish to spend time with and live with, although the court may take their wishes into consideration (but will not base it fully on her boys views as they are minors and under the law not equipped to make their own decisions yet). She did not have any of these rights until the conservatorship ended last year that (as a mother myself) I find terrifying. Like I said though she may not want another legal battle in addition to the probate court stuff.         

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8 hours ago, Forever222 said:

Yeah, I was wondering if getting back her share of legal custody (aka a say in their school/ lives etc) was coming. Apparently there is a hearing coming up in September. I also suspect Kevin will request even higher custody payments, so yeah a fight is coming. 

Im glad Britney has Rosengart. So far he is cleaning them all up. Kevin you are next! 

Yes, totally agree, it is the legal custody issue here that will have the most impact giving her a say in decisions made on their behalf (such as involvement with an ITV interview and contact with relative accused of abuse). The physical custody issue (i.e. who they live with) is unfortunately a ship that has long sailed thanks to her odious father and the (in my opinion) illegal conservatorship that prevented her ability to get involved in custody issues up to now. Also she has every right to question the level of maintenance. I am sure she wishes to financially support her sons, but I think it is unlikely she wants to pay for Keven, his wife and the other children.    

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57 minutes ago, Blackout Britney said:

The boys don’t want to see her though.. one of them is literally 18 in one year... they are old enough to spend time with any parent whenever they want. They are 16/17.. they can even drive now. 

Yeah, it's their choice. I hope Britney isn't gonna continue to provide for them if they want to cut her out completely though.

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