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Britney dances to ''Love On The Brain''

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7 minutes ago, leviathan said:

yes or maybe that one time she described taht there were more rooms in her house.

I can't find the video but I remember it was like a sped-up video of her painting in a big, idk how to call it, like a huge paper lol and her dog was making some cameos

In fact I think that's the paper we see in the edge of this video

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Homegirl is hitting her marks in this video. Love to see it! Honestly the only thing that makes people think these videos are weird (because they aren't) is the angle of the camera and the lighting. But straight up, this is absolutely no different than the stuff on TikTok. In a studio with better lighting and filmed straight-on, her fanbase would be praising the **** out of her.

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7 minutes ago, vzlafan said:

its me or anyone else can see this??

she's dancing more faster like precon????????

maybe its the result of taking off her meds????

i think she's dancing wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better or its the phone?

No it’s not just you. I literally said the same thing while watching the video. She’s flowing with the music and not just doing spastic movements. Clear as day that something is different. You see it in her eyes, overall happiness, her smile and now it’s showing in her dancing. She’s getting that passion back.

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