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Azealia Banks emotional over Britney & accusations of "Disability"


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An ATRL member made a list of the main points Azealia said on her instagram story:

  • Goes off about a tweet from Katie Porter that suggests Britney's case is a disability issue
  • "All the choreo I've seen this woman do, all the song she's sang and memorised, where is the disability?"
  • Sadness, disability and angst are not disabilities
  • People corner women to the point that they break and then claim there's something wrong with them
  • Every woman needs a male figure that supports her and she wishes she had the support from her father, as hers passed away when she was 3
  • It's disturbing that it's Britney's own father who is ****ing her over
  • Another man needs to put Jamie in his place
  • Men have spread lies about her mental health throughout her career
  • We need to stop claiming women are disabled as an excuse to prevent them from succeeding or expressing themselves
  • The disabled "think pieces" are not helping and are triggering
  • The music industry is a dirty game and the lengths that men will go to to control women is crazy and it's supported by systems of law
  • If you're a woman able to garner an audience on your own, it pisses men off and they aim to imprison you 
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I'm not buying these feminist thoughts. Not that I contest facts but hello, a lot of boys in the industry (or else) go through hell as well.

But I agree that women are more categorized with "mental health" than men.

"The music industry is a dirty game" you have no idea ... "dirty" is a nice word

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Thing is, what Britney is going through is something disabled people deal with regularly. Independent of Britney's demons, the treatment she was given is a given for disabled people


But I do get where Azealia is coming from. And there's room for justice for both sides


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shes kinda right and kinda wrong

where she is wrong is that saying its a disability rights issue ≠ shes disabled. it just means that same **** happens to disabled ppl bc of their disability, and the xcuse to doing it to britney is also disability regardless of actual diagnosis 

shes right abt the men gaslighting and discrediting women bc of their emotions part trust me ive been there

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29 minutes ago, lili_ballet said:

shes kinda right and kinda wrong

where she is wrong is that saying its a disability rights issue ≠ shes disabled. it just means that same **** happens to disabled ppl bc of their disability, and the xcuse to doing it to britney is also disability regardless of actual diagnosis 

shes right abt the men gaslighting and discrediting women bc of their emotions part trust me ive been there

yeah, even if she's not disabled, they're legally considering and treating her as such, thus all the ****ed up situation she's been living is something that could happen to an actual disabled person, allowed by the law

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