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Exhale Book Club


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5 hours ago, BUWYGF said:

@nwonderI just got an idea. Why not make this a weekly thread? You could ask which users are interested and then we could meet up every Sunday to discuss a book we voted for we should read :clap_clapping_britney_xfactor_red_excited_yay_cheer: Make it an actual book club :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

They would be an amazing idea. I love it and a good way to keep us motivated to read more in 2021.

 I would be down to do it but it would depend on how many exhalers would actually want to participate. If people are interested to do this then let us know below


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13 hours ago, Koda100 said:

Magpie ******* by Anthony Horowitz, and the recently released sequel Moonflower *******, For those who are fans of well plotted cozy mysteries!

32075854. sy475

This looks familiar!  I feel like I have it in my collection somewhere but never got round to reading it.


Gonna hunt it down  🦅 

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  • 4 months later...
40 minutes ago, maki93 said:

Since there are many people who enjoy reading, why don't you suggest an Exhale online book club?! I think it would be nice!

Would be the shadiest meetings Zoom had to experience :fakecry_christina_aguilera_xtina_crying_tears_wipe_sad:

@BUWYGF had a similar idea but I have no idea how to go about it. He suggested we choose one book to go away and read and then come back together to discuss it.

It does sound like a fun idea if enough people are onboard to do it!

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