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Mental Health


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How this forum and moderators try to advocate for mental health when a moderator made fun of my mental health issues and told me to go die. Now she is in charge of moderating and punishes me for talking about my real life experience. Like you thought it was cool when you said it like a few months ago and never apologized and now she is in charge of what I say? Jordan trusts her but like ok...Its a kind of  Britney situation 

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I can't assume anything since I don't really know what happened but indeed, the hypocrisy in this community is overwhelming. I can't help but to feel sorry when sometimes I have to argue with some Britney fan for suggesting that the other artists should be in conservatorship as well. Like, how could they really help and support Britney in her legal battles if some of them don't quite understand the idea and conditions of "conservatorship".

I know sharing your experiences is a way of expressing yourself, letting go of the weights, and spreading out awareness, but it's also a kind of weakness. This is still a community, the individuality has no difference in actual world. You can meet a lot of interesting people, but the mean-spirited, narcissistic and toxic ones are still out here. And once they know anything about you personally, they will not hesitate to use that against you. They might messed up your thoughts and feelings out of their insensitive-ness, but always remember, this is ONLY a virtual community.

If you feel like you're overwhelmed, logged out and take a break. But never expect for an apology. Cut them out of your circle. Focus on what made you join here, and just do what makes you comfortable. I don't know about you, but I believe in karma. They will learn the lesson out of their own mistakes without you knowing about it.

Cheer up!

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