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Carson Daly supports Britney, mentions #FreeBritney & the conservatorship


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3 hours ago, joanhs said:

A lot of people know waaaay more than we do, but they are afraid to say something.

And,it would actually be cruel to Britney, to involve the whole world in something she sees as private.

While I see where you’re coming from, there is nothing cruel about exposing abuse. That’s how lives are saved.

What’s got me messed up is seeing all the people who have turned a blind eye for so long. 

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She looked so beautiful the first time she went to trl back in late 98 


I remember when he used to kinda tease JT on trl when he announced her video haha 

There is an Interview where he asks for Britney but JT kinda ignores him. Ithink they were traveling and he had to call to promote smt 

I always had the feeling he thought she was super sweet, he even was super cool to her brother on the Britney live special

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On 9/19/2019 at 12:13 PM, frederiickx said:

Carson had known her since she first started and after the conservatorship, they were so controlling of her he even told us he turned down the interview. They wouldn't let him ask any questions without approval, and her answers had to be approved and all that.


Now I feel bad that so many people used to call him a tool all the time. All. The. Time. Like why? LOL. Mob mentality. Poor guy.

Maybe he's a great person who doesn't deserve that. :bpout:

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