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Does Britney own her music?

Just Because

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3 hours ago, DayvinDazone said:

Britney is a textbook definition of what you DON'T want as an artist. She has very little control atm.

If we are not getting the mistery book she promised us, I would love to buy that book. 

"What you don't want as an artist" by Britney Spears- only on Amazon and Target

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5 minutes ago, MissSpearsSaysSo said:

This is so sad. I wonder what she envisioned her career turning out like? Maybe she would have become someone like Cheryl Crow. Free and loving it singing and stunning a guitar. I’d love to hear her really develop her voice. She has a beautiful voice. 

There is a chapter is season 1 from Blackmirror where a girl is going to a SINGING show but the judges labeled her as a pornstar, they drugged her and influenced the public to choose the pornstar star. I think that record labels do that at some level. 

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13 minutes ago, Just Because said:

If this is truly the case.... Where was her father? Where was Larry?  Where were her lawyers? Britney worked her *** off for so many years ..... :( It’s no wonder why Britney gives us so little.  Her handlers  are making all the money. 

But this is the norm for most major label artists until they "boss up" so-to-speak... it is sort of like being on an Army contract when you have a record deal - you get a sign-on bonus and then you will gradually get your percentage from touring/merch/royalties annually.  Artists that are under a major label deal typically do not own their songs recorded under the label until/if they sell a certain number, which is usually INCREDIBLY high.  Britney made the most money from contracts with sponsors and her perfumes, as well as Vegas.  Her music itself probably made her under a million in royalties if you consider all of the writers, producers, and label that will get a percentage.  

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I was wondering this the other day, and it kind of worries me. I feel like when she gets free, they will still own everything with her name attached and she won’t even legally be allowed to perform her hits. They will do whatever they can to ring her dry as a form of revenge for rebelling. 

Like I said Britney, just know your fans will never let you fall ♥️♥️♥️

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Straight up Industry puppet, as long as she has a house, tacky clothes to model, and Starbucks,  Shes content, She’s in her own bubble, it’s a sad case. Plus she’s surrounded by evil, all the money goes to them. No artist integrity what so ever. Just because they “let” her pick and choose on occasion. She doesn’t write anymore, doesn’t craft, just does whatever they say. 

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Mmmmm. I would say yes, but by degree of seperation. After prince's fiasco, that highlights how important it is for a artist to own thier music. I think her management, lawyers and handlers probably do own a % along with brit and her legal team and family.  Of course it all depends on what contracts there are, what was signed when. She may only own bits & pieces 

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