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Flat Earth


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what would lying to the masses about the earth being a sphere even do.. like, what's the point?? what's the end goal?? I love a good conspiracy, I'm a pretty big tin foil hat guy myself but I just can't with "flat earth", it's just as ridiculous as anti-vaxxers.. :gerlwat: also, think about how many people would have to be "in on it", how many people would have to lie to keep the conspiracy alive, probably tens of thousands tbh.. :xfactorlook:

us never actually being on the moon I can kinda get behind, there's like a billion celebrity death conspiracies I 100% believe in, 9/11 I can kinda get behind too but flat earth is just a no no.. :trash:

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On 6/9/2019 at 9:01 PM, MissSpearsSaysSo said:

Yes, I agree. It’s not really as crazy as some people might think. 

You're probably ignorant of how large the Earth actually is. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot actually see the curvature of the Earth from an air plane. Commercial flights fly at roughly 9km altitude. That's about a quarter of the way between the first and second line in this image.


You should learn about the Dunning-Kruger effect.

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also, I like how all the anti-vaxxers and flat earthers say "do your research" when in reality they just spend a few hours on Google reading what other flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers have said.. that's what we call a circlejerk or an echo chamber.. these people form their own agenda and then proceed to disregard everything that counters their arguments as "fake news" and "fabricated / spoonfed bullsh*t".. umm no, I think I trust doctors and scientists with degrees more than some randos on the internet who think Googling is sufficient research.. :begone: no shade to OP but I've seen so many screenshots of conversations with flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers and they're all so mind numbingly aggravating.. :heresthetea:

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47 minutes ago, floopy22 said:

You're probably ignorant of how large the Earth actually is. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot actually see the curvature of the Earth from an air plane. Commercial flights fly at roughly 9km altitude. That's about a quarter of the way between the first and second line in this image.


You should learn about the Dunning-Kruger effect.

And how do you know this to be true?

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3 minutes ago, floopy22 said:

Because it's been proven using the scientific method. Just because you do not understand it doesn't mean it isn't true.

Again, the Dunning-Kruger effect. Look it up.

I have for lace of a better term, it’s total BS. 

Im not so sure that it’s everyone else who truly understands. I’d we are to believe what has been presented by NASA and other government agencies then there should be no doubt whatsoever. But their own math, experiments and evidence that we live on a spinning globe does not add up.  

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