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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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Just now, colormefresh said:

Amy died

Kanye is about to die. Kris is his conservator, so he might survive.

Justin is a zombie run by Scooter Braun.

Miley always had her head on straight. I don’t think she’s dealing with mental illness.

Miley just wanted to be dissociated from Hannah Montana.

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Just now, colormefresh said:

Amy died

Kanye is about to die. Kris is his conservator, so he might survive.

Justin is a zombie run by Scooter Braun.

Miley always had her head on straight. I don’t think she’s dealing with mental illness.

Kanye is about to die? Kris, his conservator? Hmmm... no.

Miley had her head on every direction but straight in 2015-2016, lbr.

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1 hour ago, Anitta Elusive Chanteuse said:

Remember when E wasn’t bought out trash about this cship?


The attorney who persists in representing Britney Spears, despite having been given instructions to the contrary, is still on the court's case.  

New York-based lawyer Jon Eardley filed a new batch of documents Monday related to his appeal of the legality of Britney's conservatorship, including a declaration from a UCLA law professor that supports his theory that the 26-year-old pop star never received proper notice—as mandated by state law—that her father was seeking control of her estate. 

A Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner named Jamie Spears and attorney Andrew Wallet coconservators of Britney's estimated $100 million fortune on Feb. 1, a day after she was committed to the neuropsychiatric ward at UCLA Medical Center for observation.  

Since then, Commissioner Reva Goetz has ruled that Britney was not fit to hire her own counsel and, most recently, allocated a $1,500 weekly spending allowance for the "Toxic" singer and a $2,500-per-week stipend for her dad while he's managing her affairs and authorized Jamie and Wallet to sell some of Britney's cars. The conservatorship has been extended until at least July 31. 

Meanwhile, professor William McGovern stated in a declaration filed Monday that Britney should have been personally served notice of the court proceedings occurring while she was in the hospital because her case was not one where the rule of offering at least five days notice did not apply. In Britney's case, she was not facing imminent substantial harm. 

Because Britney wasn't notified, due process law dictates that Jamie's heightened status should have been good for no more than 30 days, the declaration says.  

Britney's right to pick her own lawyer was infringed upon by the appointment of her father as conservator, which allowed him to restrict and limit her visitors and who she can contact, McGovern continued. 

He stated that he arrived at his conclusion after reviewing Goetz's temporary conservatorship order and corresponding documents filed by Jamie and Lynne Spears. 

After a federal judge refused to remove the case from probate court, Eardley appealed the conservatorship and Jamie's court-ordered allowance on Mar. 11, despite U.S. District Judge Philip Gutierrez's previous finding that he had "no authority" to go to bat for Britney. 

Meanwhile, documents released Wednesday shed some light as to why Jamie's camp is looking to liquidate his daughter's vehicular fleet, which includes two white Mercedes, a white Mini Cooper convertible and a black Audi. (View related filings.) 

Apparently Britney owns seven rides of various shapes and sizes and unloading the cost of maintaining, insuring and storing the vehicles will "save substantial expenses to the conservatorship estate."  


We see many cases in which due process is not afforded.  In many states a  prospective 'ward' is appointed an attorney by the court.  They aren't given the opportunity to hire their own.  https://stopguardianabuse.org

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A little summary to those who want to refresh their memories!

> Denied the right of trusted legal counsel, even when having conflicting interests with her conservators:




> Britney expressing concern over having her father as a conservator:


> The opening of several companies by her father and Lou M Taylor (the one who pitched the idea of a conservatorship for Britney):


> Britney’s appointed counsel, Sam D Ingham, took part in a scheme to defraud a conservatee out of millions of dollars, culminating in the conservatees death:



> Those who promoted Britney’s conservatorship (lawyers AND THE JUDGE at the time, Reva Goetz), also took part promoting a seminar about putting celebrities under consevatorships:


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8 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

LOL in addition to this...you know how much young parents **** up like that? How many parents drop babies etc? It doesn't make them bad parents. It doesn't make them bad people. Accidents happen. She was a young woman with hardly any guidance trying to raise two kids by herself. 

 You don't get put under a conservatorship for going to f**king McDonalds wtfe. 

This is very accurate. Back in the day Britney said it herself, accidents happen, the difference is that she had cameras following her everywhere, documenting everything, and magnifying it. 

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3 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

LOL in addition to this...you know how much young parents **** up like that? How many parents drop babies etc? It doesn't make them bad parents. It doesn't make them bad people. Accidents happen. She was a young woman with hardly any guidance trying to raise two kids by herself. 

You don't get put under a conservatorship for going to f**king McDonalds wtfe. 

EXACTLY. I mean, what the hell?

The person is trying to compare the Britney's situation to the control by managers. But I don't think it's very accurate.

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15 minutes ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

Kevin doing something positive?:eheeek:

It just feels wrong that she’s going through this and we’re just talking about it in a forum. I know, I know, we’re doing what we can and it’s impressive the awareness that we’ve raised but I just wish we could actually do something!!! my god poor human being.

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12 minutes ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

Well, I don't think Britney is the only one doing stuff like that. Justin Bieber, Amy, Miley or Kanye West are/were out of that "conservatorship". 

They don’t have children. That’s why Britney’s been complicit this whole time.

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Jon Eardley was hired by Britney Spears no matter what team cship wants to say . He claimed to have proof of verbal abuse and money fraud . His whole declaration was sad (thinking about Britney situation) and scary at the same time. He has/had the tea.


It also showed how Blair Berk, the attorney Britney ran to when she got out of the hospital the 1st time played Britney, cuz she was already on Jamie's pocket and it took Britney and Scam L months to know it .

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1 hour ago, IconicShow said:

Well according to Jamie in legal documents sometimes she gets to have her phone and sometimes not.

According to Jamie, he allegedly feels as though one un monitored text could be harm, and un repairable harm to Britney.

"They are scared of what she will do" if she goes online. 

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