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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 hour ago, ConflictedObserver said:

One. If you're going to talk about what I said, quote me. Two. I'm a guy. Not a "gurl". WHAT I SHOULD HAVE SAID or added was (and this isn't specifically for you) Stop attacking people for what party they represent. Making fun of people who voted for Trump is childish. And honestly, there is no difference between republics and democrats (in the long run), it's all a twisted sick two roads to the same destination corrupt game giving the illusion of freedom.

No one is stopping anyone from doing what is right in Britney's situation but there is no need to attack and make fun of people for choosing a different politician. The media (as most of us know) make stuff up and lie just as much as some of these crooked politicians. Act wisely. And behave accordingly.


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5 minutes ago, PieceofBritney said:

If all of it is true then I’d be awkward around my fans too. Our presence is the reason she’s being controlled. As long as we exist they wouldn’t want to free her. 

I wish there was a way for all of us to stop supporting her because clearly she doesn’t need us. They do.

Well I don't think there will be a lot of support if they release sth.

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This morning I read some comments in a gossip forum here in Italy and some people said they believe something evil is about to happen to her. And not from her team but from “them” (I guess they were referring to Illuminati or stuff like that). I don’t believe in these conspiracy theories but they wrote that it’s really strange that people like LaChapelle and Will.I.Am have come out so suddenly since they have promoted in the past weird messages through their work. Where does this Illuminati thing come from? 

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20 minutes ago, Blackout93 said:

But the question is: should we trust him? I don’t think so. I feel like he’s doing everything to get closer to Britney and I don’t want that to happen. 

We don't have to, he's not our President :raven: yet.

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10 minutes ago, ifuseekamy_ said:

Omg guys 

I’m at the airport wearing a Britney shirt and someone just yelled #freebritney 

Im screaming! 


WE HAVE TO KEEP GOING this is getting bigger than we even realize despite the lack of good media coverage 

Videos or never happened :demi:

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11 hours ago, Shrekney said:

Hillary Clinton? :tiffcackle: The same woman who bleached her servers and ordered her team smash all their blackberries? :tiffcackle: Why would someone who has nothing to hide do that? Hillary is more corrupt than Lou-cifer :tiffcackle: I’m sure there’s some pseudo liberal “explanation” for why she went grossly out her way to destroy all evidence :tiffcackle:.



if youre that DEEP into the lies and corruption and literally think f**king Hillary Clinton (or Maxine Waters :tiffcackle:) will do anything. Like. 







Oh girl. :imdying:








can we focus more on getting alternative news orgs to pick this up, **** even major news orgs, not some stupidass politicians. :cigney:

Again, we should be tweeting everyone and anyone. That is the point. I can't believe one mention of any politician caused like 4 responses, take that time and tweet at everyone. Good grief. 

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50 minutes ago, ifuseekamy_ said:

It’s driving me nuts that I’m seeing stuff like this all over twitter ..

But I just checked his social media accounts and haven’t seen him like anything like this nor do I feel like he would. I also saw another one about some celeb saying “**** you” to Lou Taylor which was apparently made as some kind of joke? Posts like this with no receipts make us look very not credible as a fan base overall  and will ruin the whole movement.

Will.i.am did like this Instagram post.


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