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this article from 2014 is heartbreaking!


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Omg I’ve never read this before.



“The platinum-selling pop tart, sobbing and suicidal, hit rock bottom beneath the family tree in her posh Malibu mansion on the morning of Dec. 25.

Puffy-eyed and curled up in a ball, the chart-topping mother of two was incapable of speech and gasping for breath. Presents for her sons were scattered about, and tears poured down her face.

“The sight of the Christmas tree and all the gifts for the kids just broke her,” recalled ex-boyfriend Adnan Ghalib in his first extensive interview on their relationship.

“What she was trying to run away from hit her head on, and she fell like a sack of potatoes to the floor and couldn’t stop sobbing,” Ghalib continued. “I put my arms around her and tried to comfort her, but no words were getting through.

According to Ghalib, Spears had expressed feelings of “wanting to end her life” — and her frenzied, traumatic state indicated she was on the brink of doing something drastic.

“Christmas Day 2007 was just the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen,” he recalled. “Britney was literally drowning in despair, fighting for breath, feeling her life was slipping away.

“This was no **** collapse, but a human being grieving to the point where she almost had no concern for her own welfare.”

At the time, Spears was tormented by fortune and fame while desperate to retire in Texas and live in anonymity with her kids. She was barred from seeing her sons on Christmas, and instead unwrapped their gifts by herself.”



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This could possibly true, as they did spend christmas together, here's the link of a picture of Britney looking miserable as she opens Adnan's christmas gift:


It's lovely to see how far shes come, it really is. And it really does show how much she adores her children... it's beautiful. But sad, she was mistreated for so long.

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4 hours ago, Pinky98 said:

This was January 2008... AFTER she had her kids taken away. 

They took her kids away because of her erratic behaviour. This happened after Christmas and everything had happened so I think she had just had enough 

No, I know that, the article speaks why it all happened in the first place, it's not just what happened then.

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