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This Reddit post though [Britney related]


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I was scrolling Reddit and saw in the conspiracy theory subreddit, someone made a post about celebrity breakdowns, Britney was included in the OP. Some user posted this, and thought exhale might enjoy the read through:


Here’s the conspiracy- and you might not like it.

It takes an incredibly empathetic or imaginative person to try and understand what it’s like being a celebrity- much less being in that industry (if you aren’t already).
There’s a lot of people, who, even if they see what’s going on as wrong, still see the situation with stars in their eyes.
The truth is, a lot of what goes on is just not that glamourous.

When you’re a huge celebrity, it’s very easy to lose grasp on your humanity, as well as your humility. Everyone around you sees you as an idea first and person second. Executives see you as a dollar sign. The public sees you as a ****. Or a demon-possessed illuminati member. Or a bad influence to children. Fans can sometimes be extremely overwhelming because they’re take on your reality- who you are as a person, is so skewed, if they see you as a person at all.
Every single human being in the world knows how being misunderstood feels. No one is ever going to be truly misunderstood. But we’re shaped by our circumstances. Do you think having voices in your head suck? The people without celebrity don’t have to worry about thousands- and millions of actual other human beings. Sure there are fans who appreciate them and tell them how they love them. But for every fan is another person who  tells them to kill themselves. Says how nappy their hair is. How gay they’re acting. How fake they are. Judging your life freely- and feeling entitled to it. It’s not easy to just “shut it off” because it’s everywhere. It’s on the internet, on television screen, even on the racks before the cash register at your local pharmacy. The entire world chiming in on who they think you are and who they think you should be. 
And in a cutthroat industry, it’s hard to trust anyone. As your life changes and your celebrity increases it’s hard to keep a level head.
Especially when nothing is truly real- you’ve got your publicist telling you who to hang out with, who to date, etc. You’ve got your agent suggesting that you sleep with an executive for a deal. You’re working a seven hour shoot overnight only to do a morning show right after, so after spilling to entourage how busy your schedule is- they tell you they can help you- by dropping some pills into your hands that’ll keep you up and energized. You don’t know who to trust, if there is anyone at all.

it’s easy for anyone else to say what they’d do if they were in that position. Except, they’ll never be in your position. They’ll never be in your shoes, have your past and your present. Have your knowledge in the moment. Your level of discernment. Your maturity. It’s so, SO easy for people to say what they would do, when they don’t have to do ****.
It’s why this industry is so horrible for children, because they grow up being groomed by everyone around them.

And the thing is, this is how reality is- because outside of your celebrity, there are still people sleeping for promotions in the corporate world. People still pushing ***** to balance college and two part-time jobs. Users on reddit who feel entitled to call you love, ********, a horrible person- based on something as frivolous as a comment you made on the internet. It’s world we live in.

And now increasingly in a social media world that grants everyone a feeling of celebrity, with a culture of chasing fame and actually wanting eyes on you- invading your privacy, I’m so so so worried about the mental health of the youth growing up today.

Anyway... this probably going to get lost. It's easy for everyone here on Reddit to say, "Down with Hollywood, _they're_* the problem," when it's the everyday person that takes part in culture that keeps the ball rolling. But, whatever....


They're right, and I don't even know why I'm posting this. 

I may get dragged for it, but whatever. After the 13 page thread about her face, I think we all sometimes we forget that this is another person were talking about. This is not some God like figure who promised us or owes us anything. 

I guess my point is, can we try not to be so hard on her for every little thing we don't like? Having opinions on her career is one thing, but poking at her for every little thing? Come on now


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5 minutes ago, Chaoscontrol said:

They're right, and I don't even know why I'm posting this. 

I may get dragged for it, but whatever. After the 13 page thread about her face, I think we all sometimes we forget that this is another person were talking about. This is not some God like figure who promised us or owes us anything. 

I guess my point is, can we try not to be so hard on her for every little thing we don't like? Having opinions on her career is one thing, but poking at her for every little thing? Come on now


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Everyone has been easy on Britney this decade. Honestly she shouldn't even have a career with all the things she has done.

Her face likes rough, if that what you are referring too. Most of us aren't trying to be mean. We just don't understand why she would want to look bad and get ppl saying how rough she looks.

Wrinkles are normal but so many ppl look beautiful aged. Gillian Anderson, Julianne Moore etc are all aging gracefully but they are taking. Are of themselves 

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2 hours ago, P'NutButterney said:

she puts herself on magazines and merchandise, therefore she herself is part of her brand. 

You cannot expect someone to be a 'brand' constantly though. Yes, looking appropriate for magazines and tee shirts is one thing, but to pick her apart when she's out and about living her life is another. If this was an average woman just walking down the road, no one would think twice about her apperence. 

2 hours ago, Spearsfan said:

Her face likes rough, if that what you are referring too. Most of us aren't trying to be mean. We just don't understand why she would want to look bad and get ppl saying how rough she looks.

But maybe to her it looks good? And if that's the case, more power to her. Who knows, maybe after 2007 she just wanted to be as far away from 'Britney' the star as she could, and maybe that is what caused her to have work done (I'm just spitballing, who really knows). I understand that most users aren't trying to come off as mean, but that doesn't mean it's working. 

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4 hours ago, P'NutButterney said:

But she puts herself on magazines and merchandise, therefore she herself is part of her brand. 

and it's not like she is showcasing vocals for people to dissect, so of course they will pick on her image. It's 2017 and social media is evil. 

I feel like she can never win. When she doesn't sing (live), she gets criticized,  when she does show her vocals, she gets criticized. When she dances, she gets criticized. Her image is always criticized.

I feel like she can never win with people entirely but it is what it is. There's always something to pick on her no matter what. 

And social media makes it so much easier to do that, sadly. :ehum:

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16 minutes ago, ifuseekari said:

I feel like she can never win. When she doesn't sing (live), she gets criticized,  when she does show her vocals, she gets criticized. When she dances, she gets criticized. Her image is always criticized.

I feel like she can never win with people entirely but it is what it is. There's always something to pick on her no matter what. 

And social media makes it so much easier to do that, sadly. :ehum:

She was praised when she sang live. Like she is praised when she deserves it. Giving to charity. Looking good on red carpets. Some of this stuff shouldn't even be complimented, it should be normal everyday life. 


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21 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

She was praised when she sang live. Like she is praised when she deserves it. Giving to charity. Looking good on red carpets. Some of this stuff shouldn't even be complimented, it should be normal everyday life. 


probably by die hard fans but I've seen comments where people go "Oh...well no wonder she lipsyncs she sucks!" I mean she really can't win at all, I mean we praised her outfits and costumes in the past but back then fashion industry called her trash yet she continued to be a trendsetter among teenage girls who emulate her style which cause fashion experts to roll their eyes yet now we have people like Rihanna who can dress just as trashy yet she gets praised as being daring and bold by the fashion elites. That's just one example, I get what you're saying and sometimes I wish she has the "I don't give a damn" attitude about her voice and just belt out but I think she's too scarred by the industry and media to do so. Like the reddit post said, it's easy to be behind the computer and say JUST DO IT but when you're battling your own demons and to face the world, it's scary just like public speaking is one of the most popular fears people have yet it's vital in so many jobs. 

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6 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

probably by die hard fans but I've seen comments where people go "Oh...well no wonder she lipsyncs she sucks!" I mean she really can't win at all, I mean we praised her outfits and costumes in the past but back then fashion industry called her trash yet she continued to be a trendsetter among teenage girls who emulate her style which cause fashion experts to roll their eyes yet now we have people like Rihanna who can dress just as trashy yet she gets praised as being daring and bold by the fashion elites. That's just one example, I get what you're saying and sometimes I wish she has the "I don't give a damn" attitude about her voice and just belt out but I think she's too scarred by the industry and media to do so. Like the reddit post said, it's easy to be behind the computer and say JUST DO IT but when you're battling your own demons and to face the world, it's scary just like public speaking is one of the most popular fears people have yet it's vital in so many jobs. 

If she is struggling that much then she should retire. Things have gotten so bad. Obviously I still love her music but they don't even put work into that.

Something has to give some where. 

Ppl complain about all the negativity but it's there for a reason and we all know it. 

She always was criticized but even then most of it made sense. Maybe I didn't agree with it. Now we have no receipts to back anything up. 

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Agree OP, there's no reason for a 16 page thread bashing her face under any circumstances, it's absolutely disgusting. Some really horrible people frequent this forum. No one is owed her looking any kind of way, if people are so distressed by her not looking the same as she did when she was younger why don't they just leave and follow younger pop stars if that's what is important? No one is forced to keep stanning her if it upsets them that much. All I can say is after reading that thread I wouldn't want to come across a large majority of people on this forum in real life, yuck. If people are critiquing her work ethic etc. I get that more (although personally I don't understand why people come here to whine about it, if they are so dissatisfied why don't they go stan other people?) but that thread about the basketball game/her face is so revolting it's unbelievable. 

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6 hours ago, Slave4Brit88 said:

Agree OP, there's no reason for a 16 page thread bashing her face under any circumstances, it's absolutely disgusting. Some really horrible people frequent this forum. No one is owed her looking any kind of way, if people are so distressed by her not looking the same as she did when she was younger why don't they just leave and follow younger pop stars if that's what is important? No one is forced to keep stanning her if it upsets them that much. All I can say is after reading that thread I wouldn't want to come across a large majority of people on this forum in real life, yuck. If people are critiquing her work ethic etc. I get that more (although personally I don't understand why people come here to whine about it, if they are so dissatisfied why don't they go stan other people?) but that thread about the basketball game/her face is so revolting it's unbelievable. 

We need more people like u tbh! :sendinglove:

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On 02/12/2017 at 7:33 AM, Anita **** said:

@Chaoscontrol and @Slave4Brit88 you are my new favorite humans :crying4:

I hate how people can be so condescending towards Britney's personal life, when we know barely anything except for whatever little birdies have said... Yes she is a public figure, people will speak, but why the nastiness?:nervousney:

Totally agree, we don't know the ins and outs of her personal life at all :kisses:

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