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Guys read this review on tripadvisor!!!


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This was posted a week ago! 


I and 9 others attended Britney concert Oct 11 for my wedding 
Myself and my partner of 15 years were married Oct 9th on our 15th year and Britney was a wedding gift

I purchased meet and greet for myself and my partner of marriage
When we took the photo with the "so called Britney" she was wearing tons of make up like if she were hiding acne, and a very colorful and vibrant red or pink costume,
When we received our meet and greet photo it had an entirely different version of Britney in a white and black costume
Attached is the photo which appears to be photo shopped or he alter photo placed in between the 2 of us.
NOTICE: Britney is 5'4 and my partner is 5'8 and I am 5'11 ...... amazingly Britney is taller than my parnter with no heals or stand !!! She appears to be 5'9 or 5'10, thus proving the photo is fake !!!
When I questioned the photo from our VP of meet and greet I was assured the photo was 100% real........NOT TRUE.....the vp ended conversation with me after me not agreeing (interesting texts between he and I are saved for the future story line)
the meet and greet rushed us in like a herd of cattle and lasted all of 3 seconds per snap. we were told she is shy and not to hug her nor embrace her or we would be escorted out, .... the tone was very Eire 

in conclusion:
our photo is not with the person we took with supposedly Britney !
I believe the person we took a pic with was not true Britney but a stand in double and she was later cropped into the photo we recieved
also disappointing, the entire concert was lip sync
additionally, we were a party of 10, they sold us an entire row for us 10 but come to find out there was not a 10th seat. the usher wanted to relocate us to the side of the stage and we declined since we were center stage 12th row. they finally brought us a temporary fold up chair for the entire concert

i know for a fact this whole image is fake fake fake
fake photo of meet and greet
fake person posing as Britney for photo
fake seat sec 103 row L seat 30

fake fake fake

i spent 1500 each on meet and greet (3000 total)
i spent 265 each seat (10 x 265 = 2650 prior to fees and taxes)
so over 5650 USD in fake Britney Spears !!!

PLEASE respond to this ad IF you experienced the same or did Meet and Greet along with your photo
I have employed and attorney to regain my investment

Can someone find the photo?? The person didn't posted it as said.

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Do you think it is possible that they could have taken the picture, realising that Britney is making an ugly face, hence photoshopping a "better" Britney into the picture? :gloria:

(I don't think Team Britney would go through all this trouble, though; they would just give the M&G-goers the picture with "ugly" Britney) :calculating:


Some of the reviews are killing me: "Celine and J Lo were not in town so we went with Britney. Britney obviously lip syncs through the show and her dancing ability is probably best described as a little stiff."


2 hours ago, LisaJane said:

Link please?

Here is the user who reviewed.

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