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Wow did Shakira just copy Britney's perfume ad concepts?! [VIDEO PROOF]

Mr. Lucky

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So remember Britney's Fantasy and Curious ads? The whole concept of **** lady alone in a hotel room, good looking guy comes to the rescue and shows her a new world...:lustney:

And then the sequel with Britney being a goddess in an enchanted forest, with cute magical animals such a butterflies?


Well Shakira just released her newest music video for 'Me Enamoré' (I fell In Love)

And how about that, she basically stole the plots from Britney's early perfume ads... Image result for new york confused gif


See for yourselves:



The view counter already froze at 480.616.... so what does that mean?

You don't think she's gonna break records in the next 24 hrs... do you? :squintney:

Did she do this on purpose? She filmed this video during the same week of the Ig controversy with Britney and Mary J Blige..

Image result for britney shakira cover

You think she reads Exhale?


Ugh if she beats SP or Make Me in views and radio plays, I'm gonna be so mad,

she should thank Britney for the video concept! :nydisgust:

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PS: wtf she even copied Britney's hairstyle from Everytime!! How dare she, that lesser!




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8 minutes ago, Pedro Dantas said:

Another "Britney invented everything and everyone is copying her" thread. :sofedup:

Ppl are so messy lately. It's only going to get worse. Britney will be doing the mess of POM in other countries with little change while basically every pop artist does great things this summer. 

But they will continue to say what ever makes Britney happy, while attacking everyone else because they care about their careers. :rihstare:

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23 minutes ago, Pedro Dantas said:

Another "Britney invented everything and everyone is copying her" thread. :sofedup:

I didn't watch the video, so whatever.. but there is statistical data to prove "The Britney Formula" and it's been used by EVERYBODY at one point in time whilst trying to make a Big Bang 

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9 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

Ppl are so messy lately. It's only going to get worse. Britney will be doing the mess of POM in other countries with little change while basically every pop artist does great things this summer. 

But they will continue to say what ever makes Britney happy, while attacking everyone else because they care about their careers. :rihstare:

It's obvious she's doing this tour for the money. It's amazing how little passion she has right now. I still dream of a big global comeback but I know that's never gonna happen.

And this place really is getting messy. Everyday we have another thread saying she's more relevant than Beyoncé or Gaga when we all know she isn't.

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Just now, Pedro Dantas said:

It's obvious she's doing this tour for the money. It's amazing how little passion she has right now. I still dream of a big global comeback but I know that's never gonna happen.

And this place really is getting messy. Everyday we have another thread saying she's more relevant than Beyoncé or Gaga when we all know she isn't.

Next week it will be Selena. :ponderney:

They only are doing Asia because it's easy money. Any other place would be risky for sales. 

I just want to feel excitement from Britney and her team but is it too far gone? Idk seems that way it's been three eras with basically absent Britney. 


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Just now, Spearsfan said:

Next week it will be Selena. :ponderney:

They only are doing Asia because it's easy money. Any other place would be risky for sales. 

I just want to feel excitement from Britney and her team but is it too far gone? Idk seems that way it's been three eras with basically absent Britney. 


They (Britney included) put more effort into that PS commercial and promoting this tour than they did for her last two eras. That shows their priorities.

Britney, at the moment, is a brand that launches music, not a musician. All she does is live of the legendary stuff.

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52 minutes ago, Pedro Dantas said:

They (Britney included) put more effort into that PS commercial and promoting this tour than they did for her last two eras. That shows their priorities.

Britney, at the moment, is a brand that launches music, not a musician. All she does is live of the legendary stuff.

Because her perfume and tour bring in the most money but how long will that last with no impactful music in a decade. I'm shocked it lasted this long. Britney's prime really was very iconic to carry POM for this long 

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13 minutes ago, watermelonbubblegum said:

I highly doubt that Shakira got inspiration from some adds from many years ago by Britney. Shakira is a talented singer, composer, musician and has an amazing talent to make music. So no, answering your question, Shakira did not copy Britney because she doesn't need to :nothavingit:

i know that.:giggleney:

I was being extremly ironic since last time Shakira was mentioned most ppl on here shaded her horribly.

I'm extremly excited about her new music video and what new records she's gonna break...

Image result for shakira gifImage result for shakira gifImage result for shakira gif

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9 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

Because her perfume and tour bring in the most money but how long will that last with no impactful music in a decade. I'm shocked it lasted this long. Britney's prime really was very iconic to carry POM for this long 

Everyone expected POM to flop.

The fact that it's still going strong after 4 years is incredible. The fact that it's still going strong after 4 years when the show sucks is a MIRACLE.

Her prime is what she lives of right now, but I wonder for how much longer that will last...

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