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"Kill herself, and the boy" new special-LIES


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 This is a disgusting mess, using celebrities for ratings and lying/false theories...especially since she's about to go on tour. It's just not good, I don't know where these people get off. Really tired of this narrative that mental illness or emotional issues result in violent behavior all the time, it's ****** up and it's not true. Britney would never do that. 


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This **** is disgusting and such bs.

They shouldn't be allowed to do this. She needs to ******* SUE!! SUE THEM INTO THE ******* GROUND! Honestly this is by far the worst claim I've seen in years... that she wanted to ****** her own child? Her youngest born? Like.... What the actual ****?? How dare they?!! Also does anybody find it ******* fishy as **** that lately whenever Britney releases something like a new album or tour... something is released just in time to remind everyone of her breakdown all over again? Britney Ever After and now this ****? It sometimes feels like someone's trying to sabatoge her or something tbqh.

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5 minutes ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

What do they exactly say ? I can't hear it clearly

Some b.s abt her trying to kill herself and one of her children. Her rise and "fall". Yet, people don't talk abt how her situation was really rare, and how her victory is so important and her continued good health. She deserves respect. 

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That sounds so fake. I remember reading a report that she had locked herself with one of the boys and was crying, and did not let him go the the authorities came. Im pretty sure she was being protective of her children and was not keeping them hostage for some schizophrenic suicide/ ******.....

With all the chaos in 2007, she always kept her kids before anyone else. They wouldn't have such a healthy relationship with their mom if they were scared of her....

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