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Her Last Great Lead MV & Performance Was 2003

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Make Me - awful video, lame promo performances.

Work ***** - great video, no promo performances. 

HIAM - great video, awful promo performances. 

Womanizer - great video, lame promo performances. 

Gimme More - lame video and promo performance. 


MATM - amazing video, amazing promo performances. 


Am I right or am I right? 


Why can't they get their **** together? All I want is an amazing lead single MV and great promo performance. Like the good old days :crying1:

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13 minutes ago, sibode said:

I cannot agree about WOMANIZER though...

I think the promo was on point tbh :kisses:


I'll have to disagree with you there. Don't get me wrong - the promo schedule was good - Japan, (France/Germany?), UK and then USA (to perform Single #1 and #2), but the performance of Womanizer was barely a performance. There was practically zero choreo, she just strutted around the stage lip syncing an grabbing her dancer's heads now and again. It wasn't exciting. She only got away with it because she had nearly died a year before. If she gave us a Womanizer 2008 performance on TV in 2017, we'd rip her to pieces,

"She's just walking and posing!" "She's not moving her legs or arms or anything!" "Not even a hair flick FFS!!" "DANCE *****, DANCE!!!"

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36 minutes ago, CriminalLegend said:

the problem is that we can say the same with the second single

Slumber Party - Cool video, no promo

Trollney at her best. Decent choreo for SP but she refused to perform it any where other than POM and those (almost pointless) festivals :gloria: 


Why not just perform on 1 or 2 tv shows in the US? Would it have been too much to ask? :gloria: 

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2 hours ago, button said:

Those Womanizer performances weren't good, sorry

Last time she ******** a lead single performance was Me against the Music, the OP is right.

Obviously it was still old Britney. She never will deliver that again. 

New Britney Womanizer slayed.

You can't look as it as a whole because it's two totally different ppl imo

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