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Deleted Matt Lauer Interview Questions


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I found this very interesting and I thought some of you may find it interesting too:


Matt Lauer: Did you ever imagine that your life would one day be the way it is today?

Britney Spears: The extent, no. It's so weird because [in] L.A. a lot of actors and actresses you notice they don't get — I mean besides Angelina and Brad who get it horrible. But I think maybe because pop artists or music artists, they put themselves out there a little bit more than actors and actresses, like that's more of you have a disguise on when you're an actor. But you are kinda puttin' more of your soul out there with your music and I think maybe the public feels like they know you. And when that happens it's more of an attachment there and with the tabloids.

Lauer: So you think they think they know you gives them the right to wanna know more?

Spears: I guess so, exactly. Just recently I feel like I've been wanting to speak just about it a little bit because I am kinda scared. Like I have a weird feeling now when I come out of my home like just in ... even in my neighborhood.


Lauer: Let's talk about married life.

Spears: Okay.

Lauer: As a husband, how is he ?

Spears: Amazing. Very good.

Lauer: Supportive.

Spears: Oh yeah.

Lauer: Because some ...

Spears: Definitely.

Lauer: ... of the magazines talk about friends saying he's jealous. He wants people to talk about his music and not so much about your career?

Spears: I'm not doin' anything right now so no one's talking about my career. You know. When I do, they will talk trust me. But right now, no. They're you know ... it's about him right now and he has no reason to be jealous.



Lauer: Do you two talk about it?

Spears: Not really. I mean we do. We know it's there. But like you just talkin' about it right now. You're bringing it up to a light that I try not to. I mean I see it but ... you know it's there. And you know the things that they say but you just try to be strong.

Lauer: Is he the kinda guy who would tell you if it hurt him or is he a little bit more proud than that?

Spears: He wouldn't say anything. That's the kinda person he is. Yeah he wouldn't say anything. But you know what? I feel like ... down the road it ... it's all gonna be good. You know I think ... I do believe in a higher power. I definitely do and I feel like it'll take over.


Lauer: Can you imagine ever living anywhere else? Could you pick up from here and go to small town America again? 

Spears: Maybe ... I could go to Atlanta. I've been to Atlanta. I like suburbia-type area ... I love where I live right now. It's really beautiful and stuff like that, but if I have to move in five years, I could do it.

Lauer: You could recreate this type of setting, this type of a sanctuary in another city, that would be fine with you.

Spears: Yeah ... mmm hmm.

Lauer: And maybe escape a little of the attention.

Spears: Yeah, if they would leave me, but I don't know if that would happen ...


Lauer: People who haven't heard an interview with you in a long time, and you haven't done one in quite awhile, are gonna hear a little bit of a different ... are gonna detect a bit of a different tone in your voice these days. 

Spears: Yeah. Well I think I've been through a lot lately.

Lauer: Are you angry?

Spears: When I talk about it, I think after this interview ... thank you, Matt ... I'll feel a lot better.

Lauer: I didn't mean to make you angry. But ...

Spears: But no, I think ... no, but it's good. Because I need ... I need to talk about it, you know. I need to address it. And after this interview I may go cry or I may go ... my baby. And I'll be fine. But I think it's good for me. 


I'm glad these times are over and that she's in a much better place. :BBMAney:


Source: http://www.today.com/popculture/britney-i-do-not-care-what-people-think-wbna13329706




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Makes you even angrier with the fans who want her thrust back into the spotlight like she was. She's so over being on top, and you really can't blame her. Life was absolute hell for her and I'm so happy she's content these days. She deserves nothing but love and positivity. :yay:

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