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Britney Spears Performs With Tinashe At The Triple Ho Show In San Jose

Jordan Miller

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5 hours ago, everybodygoesdown said:

I just loved these performances for both nights. I mean we get half hour concerts now for ******* promo !!!! How ******* cool is this era people ?!? 

She looks awesome, choreography is great, set list is amazeballs (seriously I would not change ONE single song), the crowd was obviously lit af.

God I love this girl. Have been a fan for 17 years, and after 17 years she's still giving it. 


FLAWLESS ******* fan!!!


5 hours ago, everybodygoesdown said:

I just loved these performances for both nights. I mean we get half hour concerts now for ******* promo !!!! How ******* cool is this era people ?!? 

She looks awesome, choreography is great, set list is amazeballs (seriously I would not change ONE single song), the crowd was obviously lit af.

God I love this girl. Have been a fan for 17 years, and after 17 years she's still giving it. 


FLAWLESS ******* fan!!!


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4 minutes ago, CJMCH said:

Tinasha representing all of us right now :wontcry:

Her reaction cracks me up

It's like every (real) stan who meets her who wants to maintain composure to not upset/bother her.... and then she randomly kisses you and your body reacts otherwise. :chershade:

If she didn't react like a stan, she probably could have returned the kiss and we could have had an iconic moment :riha:

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