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Britney And Fitness Model Sam Asghari Take Their "Slumber Party" Off Screen?

Jordan Miller

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4 minutes ago, DirtyMind said:

We don't know anything about this guy, his personality, or their relationship (if they even have one)- why are you so sure that he'd cause her more heartbreak?  That's really presumptuous on your part.

Britney fans always look at a picture and assume the worst without knowing nothing about a guy.

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2 hours ago, treytrey said:

I'm no detective, but this screenshot looks so fake. With IG being so white it'd be hella easy to throw this together. If there are over 1K likes on the pic, why does it only show one person's name?? And if there were 44 comments isn't it supposed to say right under his, "view all 44 comments"?? :squintney:

I just took this SS from my IG and the way it's displayed is completely different?? :nyheadache: af17e5102d.png

that's the latest update from instagram tho. the only one person you see who liked it is someone that the user is following

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9 hours ago, OutrageousSin said:

Uh ah :nobitch:


Brit like her guys a bit rough on the edges, this one is too pretty polished and probably spray Dior Homme on his *****! 


8 hours ago, Ryan Godspeed said:

just one night stand probably.. :queenriri: check her instagram tomorrow. she's gonna upload some flowers and her selfies will glow. when will you

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :meltdown:

5 hours ago, ZAM9315 said:

Good lord he's hot.  Why can't guys in my area be on grindr that look like him. :meltdown:

Seriously! The guys in my area look sorta like this nnnnnnnnn


5 hours ago, Body ache said:

Cause you got to pay for that. :staysalty:

No lies! :staysalty:



This thread had had me screaming due to some of y'alls comments! :queenflopga: Exhale actually slaying me? What is this tbh?! :queenflopga2:

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He actually went to see her show in vegas and then snap chatted eating sushi after the show. She was def with him. I've followed him on SC way before the SP video. He's not a bad guy. All models are into themselves, that's how they make their money lol. But I doubt it's anything more than friends. 

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