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It's time to talk about 'that'


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This is not a thread for stans so please keep the shade in your pockets.

Glory has not hit the mark with the GP. MM performed mediocrely and SP had not connected with the GP and I doubt it will. Now unlike MM, SP had a great video attached to the track so that was refreshing. Now I accept as a Britney fan since the beginning that i'm seeing a natural progression of an artist. She was the biggest thing in music 15 years ago and has achieved so much and at this stage I understand that all artists eventually get lapped by new younger up and comers, just like in sport. It doesn't undo all the achievements, it's just a natural process and I still enjoy the music and the nostalgia. I love Glory but I can't help but wonder what if the single choices were different. This is the first time Britney led an album release with a mid tempo track, then she followed it up with another mid tempo track. I think that was a bad move. I believe from the GP point of view, this albums journey is complete. We may get another single and there's always that possibility that it will be a song that hits hard and the album surges into the consciousness of the average music fan. I personally don't care anymore about charts and numbers but what I do know is that the most played Glory tracks on my phone are IID, NSC, and HTFY. They're great tracks and I think IID would make an amazing single with a video on the style of scream and shout but it won't happen. I think we have to stop obsessing about charts and numbers and just enjoy the music. Trust me, it's way funner!

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16 minutes ago, pseudo_82 said:

This is not a thread for stans so please keep the shade in your pockets.

Glory has not hit the mark with the GP. MM performed mediocrely and SP had not connected with the GP and I doubt it will. Now unlike MM, SP had a great video attached to the track so that was refreshing. Now I accept as a Britney fan since the beginning that i'm seeing a natural progression of an artist. She was the biggest thing in music 15 years ago and has achieved so much and at this stage I understand that all artists eventually get lapped by new younger up and comers, just like in sport. It doesn't undo all the achievements, it's just a natural process and I still enjoy the music and the nostalgia. I love Glory but I can't help but wonder what if the single choices were different. This is the first time Britney led an album release with a mid tempo track, then she followed it up with another mid tempo track. I think that was a bad move. I believe from the GP point of view, this albums journey is complete. We may get another single and there's always that possibility that it will be a song that hits hard and the album surges into the consciousness of the average music fan. I personally don't care anymore about charts and numbers but what I do know is that the most played Glory tracks on my phone are IID, NSC, and HTFY. They're great tracks and I think IID would make an amazing single with a video on the style of scream and shout but it won't happen. I think we have to stop obsessing about charts and numbers and just enjoy the music. Trust me, it's way funner!

Honestly your almost correct, however there isn't another Britney Spears yet... Britney replaced Madonna. What I'm seeing isn't that the material isn't great it's just that radio just is NOT supporting her. They continue to play the same 10 songs over and over yet they don't play hers which are newer and great. Considering media stations are owned by a small number of families I believe they are trying to push her out of the spotlight maybe Bc she rebelled against them... there's something just not quite right about it all TBH 

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Its too early yet :mhm: 

n for those saying SP didnt connect with GP, ive just seen today that a music dj from a very populer music tv channel in my country played SP n said the song is beatiful Britney is beautiful in the video n that  its nice to see Britney back on track like in her prime time in early 00's .

i feel like with this song shes taking GP in her side again n it did connect with GP.

mark my words it will be a hit not a smash hit nor it will be huge as gangam style but it will be a good step to start new things :mhm: 

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36 minutes ago, colormefresh said:

Britney is slaying. I don't give a damn what the charts say.


Imagine being a Joanne Stan (lol)

Even Britney Jean went harder than that.

Receipts? Im not following her, is she flopping? All I know is the album is pretty mediocre.

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4 minutes ago, colormefresh said:

Her album was on sale for $3.99 on day 1 and both of her singles tanked. And the album blows.

Her poor fans are searching for a silver lining and there isn't one. :comingthru:

How much is her sales at right now?

Every little monster was talking about Joanne when it came out and everyone was curious to check it out because of all the hype, but it died so fast lmao 


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1 hour ago, pseudo_82 said:

This is not a thread for stans so please keep the shade in your pockets.

Glory has not hit the mark with the GP. MM performed mediocrely and SP had not connected with the GP and I doubt it will. Now unlike MM, SP had a great video attached to the track so that was refreshing. Now I accept as a Britney fan since the beginning that i'm seeing a natural progression of an artist. She was the biggest thing in music 15 years ago and has achieved so much and at this stage I understand that all artists eventually get lapped by new younger up and comers, just like in sport. It doesn't undo all the achievements, it's just a natural process and I still enjoy the music and the nostalgia. I love Glory but I can't help but wonder what if the single choices were different. This is the first time Britney led an album release with a mid tempo track, then she followed it up with another mid tempo track. I think that was a bad move. I believe from the GP point of view, this albums journey is complete. We may get another single and there's always that possibility that it will be a song that hits hard and the album surges into the consciousness of the average music fan. I personally don't care anymore about charts and numbers but what I do know is that the most played Glory tracks on my phone are IID, NSC, and HTFY. They're great tracks and I think IID would make an amazing single with a video on the style of scream and shout but it won't happen. I think we have to stop obsessing about charts and numbers and just enjoy the music. Trust me, it's way funner!

Totally i agree with you:giggleney:

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If only she could fire her team. Her team thinks that just because she is a legend everything will be #1 but guess what NO! They act like promo is not important and they make Britney flopping with their stupid plans. I need the same promo plan they had in the early '00s! If Beyoncé slays the charts Britney can slay too and even harder! :sickofu: :bigtime:

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i agree that an uptempo track mightve been more successful. i think the gp wants a pump up britney song, they associate her with high energy club jams since BJ and FF and even before that with womanizer, if you seek amy, circus...gimme more....

I prefer moody mid tempo Britney - iTZ is one of my fave albums of all time. But I think the public just associates her with dance music, so do you wanna come over mightve been a bigger success as lead single. 

if im dancing is sick though im totally here for that for #3! 

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I don't know... I feel like nowadays music is out there for everyone. Anyone with an internet connection can download, watch and stream everything.

Everybody is talking about promo but I didn't even know when Taylor Swift for example would release an album and I found out because it's just out there.

I don't even listen to radio but I know the hits from youtube and everything else.

Now, if some people see the name Britney Spears and they don't click on the video it's their problem.

I believe that Britney should keep releasing good albums, great videos and her team should concentrate on touring/performing in order to get money.

As fans we should enjoy what she offers, if we like it we can support any way any fan thinks it's the best and just that. Imo just dancing to her album is way more enjoyable for me than trying to give her more views or sth... I speak for myself and only. 


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