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5 minutes ago, ElectriqueBrit said:

Beyonce is liked by a lot of people for very different reasons.  She clearly is talented but right now is the time rightfully for an african american female to shine.  

I honestly think people over-estimate how much people like her. She definitely knows how to run/work the media to make it seem like she's queen of everything. If you read through comments of featured articles on respectable news outlets online, the comments are not in Beyonce's favor and people on there are always stating they're tired of her. Same with Taylor Swift. 


Anyway, back on this topic. I think the person saying that Britney's at a place where she's happy is right; she honestly has nothing to prove to herself or anyone else at this point in her career. She's already proved that her career has surpassed the test of time by still being relevant than many of her peers that started off the same time she did, which she doesn't get enough credit for. She's not hungry for that kind of fame anymore and she's actually promoting a piece of her work that she's very proud of and happy about. Let's be real, had this been a project she's not passionate about, she wouldn't even be doing a second single at this point. 

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Sooo half of her fanbase has spent years begging for her to release more quality music with a decent promo schedule, and the other half wants her to keep a quiet life where she can be happy with her boys


Then we get the Glory era where she is undeniably doing both things...and people still aren't happy?!?! 


**** this, most of this fanbase doesn't deserve anything good idk why britney still gives a **** about us we're not worthy if 99% are gonna be whiny biotches

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11 hours ago, mfanbs said:

The GP doesn't care anymore, she can't sell out stadiums anymore, she can't have the success like before, and i'm frustrated with all that. I'm afraid to think that she likes the way things are right now. I dream about a time when she'll be relevant like Beyonce again but let's face it it's not gonna happen. There is a downfall. I think it started around the end of the circus tour when it all started, people started to loose interest in her... then she was mia for 2010 except some appearances here and there , then came femme fatale at the right time, she carried that sound for every pop star out there, but she could've played it differently even win a grammy, then came criminal (they blocked it on youtube/vevo) and all started to fade quickly, they were making fun of her cuz she liked to be a judge on X factor they were questioning her health which is terrible cuz it's not our business , then she did the auditions for em it went great but the live shows that just killed her, then the overly sexualized image with work *****, then her just trying to redeem herself with being mature and mom, but it was just wrong timing for Britney Jean because of Vegas (it was cool, the ballads are mature, but the Vegas required her to be **** and playful so she was kinda lost at the beginning) and here is Vegas with the same scripted show 3 times a week, and i think most of the people not even britney fans notice that now.

The glory the album is soo good, but nobody cares, it's not on the news, magazines, people don't care about it... nothing. Make me was released in July!! Like helloo where are the other singles, stop milking Make me, if it didn't became big hit the first month, it's not gonna be 6 months later and you know it. The album is dying, she is just not doing anything, i don't care about the first version of make video (frankly i don't even like what it's linked out there, it's all over the place it doesn't make sense at all) she needs to release new videos, here is an idea for Better>>> 2 or 3 takes just her and dancers plain background dancing the hell of themselves, part of it could be easy choreography so that the GP will learn it quickly...  Every song on the album has a potential to be a single (not a hit, cuz let's face it there is not a song on this album that will be on top of the charts- everything is moderate success =top 20 hit)...And why bother with promoting, coming up with the marketing plans for the album release if you don't care about charts, success (like they say) just record the album and put it out there out of the blue, because it has come to the fanbase (luckily it a large one) the gp doesn't care about her, they are blinded with reality tv stars, Beyonce and few other stars that you can count hem on your hands 

She needs something new, and frankly it's difficult cuz she's done it all (for example everyone is fascinated cuz beyonce sang upside down on a platform... brit did that in 2001). She needs do do something totally different and unexpected. Be more visual Britney, more vocal about you choices it's your career not your mangers or father or whatever is going on with the machinery that is behind you. You say you have nothing to prove anymore, that is not true, tehre are so many things that you can do and share it with the world. you've evolved as a human being, show that to the world , help others in need like you are trying to do now with that cancer foundation, help children in Africa, India wherever After Vegas focus on the personal stuff that hold you back, Prove the haters wrong that say you are not good, you are robot, you aren't verry smart, you have mental issues, you are boring, etc. You are in charge of yourself and future and no one else, even the conservatorship, if you don't like it speak up fight it whatever it takes, if you are good with it carry on. I want you to be happy, not a happy facade to the world. I want you to open up to the world more, it is not all bad like everyone is making it to be, just be generous and kind like you always are and don't bother with the haters or paparazzi

Gosh i needed to write that for a long time sorry everyone for the long read   

I've said on other threads that considering some of the other artists I like, I'm used to those people not getting a lot of attention from the general population--either they burned out that damn quickly or the general population never cared. I'm being honest by saying I don't care what the general population thinks--whether they think Britney's a flop, has been, etc. 

I also go back to something else I said on another thread/post, I'm proud of Britney for still hanging on in any way when it concerns her career. I referenced 80s singers Debbie Gibson and Tiffany--I bet both are still doing stuff and they still have their fans that still support them. But I really can't say either woman STILL has a career as big as Taylor Swift, Beyonce, etc. Britney really could've faded by 2002 and she didn't. 

And to be fair, I realize Britney's changed. And I don't mean that in a bad way. I think her main priority is her kids and that's understandable. The second thing is I don't think Britney wants to open up that Pandora's Box again. And after what she went through, I don't blame her. Putting myself in her shoes, I NEVER would've came back if I was her. I would've retired completely and turned my back on being an entertainer at all. 

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6 hours ago, LBoggie said:

I honestly think people over-estimate how much people like her. She definitely knows how to run/work the media to make it seem like she's queen of everything. If you read through comments of featured articles on respectable news outlets online, the comments are not in Beyonce's favor and people on there are always stating they're tired of her. Same with Taylor Swift. 


Anyway, back on this topic. I think the person saying that Britney's at a place where she's happy is right; she honestly has nothing to prove to herself or anyone else at this point in her career. She's already proved that her career has surpassed the test of time by still being relevant than many of her peers that started off the same time she did, which she doesn't get enough credit for. She's not hungry for that kind of fame anymore and she's actually promoting a piece of her work that she's very proud of and happy about. Let's be real, had this been a project she's not passionate about, she wouldn't even be doing a second single at this point. 

In terms of a singing career, Britney did trump the other women she was competing against when she first started. BUT to be fair, those same women were also able to spin into other areas and be successful in those areas. Jessica Simpson has her designing career, Mandy Moore has her acting, Christina Aguilera's got "The Voice" so it's not like any of them are waiting by the phone and wondering "What the **** happened to my career?!" 

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Let me be real with yall


18 hours ago, AdamSkye said:

Also I can't stop laughing at the thought that Britney (who has spent 20 years under public scrutiny) should even remotely care enough about haters that she'd go to Africa and India on a 'Make the People adore Britney again' tour.


She's busy catering to the people who adore her for her.

Stop twisting my words... you all know what i'm trying to say so shut up

18 hours ago, Stifler's Mom said:

Omg these bibles... how can I read through this :jackk:

ps. y'all talk like she's 50 years old ready for retirement, wow

exactly she is 34 and that is a great age


17 hours ago, ovoxo said:

You're right sis. I'm just happy that we have a good album and that she is happy :brityes: I've learned to approciate the small things 

me too

But that doesn't stop me wishing that her thirst for success be back. I'm not delusional like you all made me. I clearly know what's going on and so do you. Stop acting like you know her, No one knows what is actually happening behind closed doors (2008-till now) I'm hoping that one day maybe when she is 50 she'll be an open book once again and help the world be a better place, not just through music 


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1 minute ago, mfanbs said:



me too

But that doesn't stop me wishing that her thirst for success be back. I'm not delusional like you all made me. I clearly know what's going on and so do you. Stop acting like you know her, No one knows what is actually happening behind closed doors (2008-till now) I'm hoping that one day maybe when she is 50 she'll be an open book once again and help the world be a better place, not just through music 


Imagine having the same demanding job since you were literally a little kid. Yeah 30s are still very youthful but at the same time it's not like she has a regular job. She has success, she's racking in so much money from Vegas, she's set for life if she decided to not do anything anymore. Maybe the reason she acts like she's 50 and wants to retire is because she's been doing triple the amount of work than someone average in their 50s. Homegurl is prob tired plus she's naturally a homely southern girl and isn't into the finer things in life like Madonna for example. 

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20 hours ago, AdamSkye said:

The problem is that many people simply don't think about or consider lifes timeline.

She is a 34 year old mother of 2 who has said literally since the beginning that she NEVER thought she would continue doing this.

It is abundantly clear that she, after making her fortune as a young adult, wanted to run off into the sunset with a man and settle down and have kids. It never worked out that way and she's kept doing what she does because A) she clearly enjoys it and B) there's a lot of money in it (even still, inspite of what some people say whose perspective consists of comparing britneys current sales to that of adeles) NOT because she is obsessed with ruling the world again. Pretty sure ruling the world like she did wasn't quite as fun for her as it was for us watching her dominate.

Whether people like it or not, having your 2016 song be a top 20 hit and then chart again months later at the same place 20 years into your career in a big achievement. She will be very happy with that.

She is not concerned about being the 'it' girl forever as much as you want that fantasy. She'll laugh at that idea i'm sure. Her and her team know exactly what is going on and they are just getting the money while it is there.

She did all of her iconic moments to have the career she has and has had. It isn't a case of 'Right Britney, what's your next iconic moment going to be?' those cards were played to get the attention and now they are put away. Job done. Look at lady Gaga, miley cyrus.

She was doing all of those 'it' girl moments when she was a young hungry artist climbing the ladder. She's been to the top and she's been to the bottom of it. Her perspective is naturally completely different now having done it all and achieved it all. Do you honestly expect a mother in her 30s to be thinking about such trivial and narcassitic crap like ''how do I get my face in the papers every single day so I can have a bigger internet following than Kylie Jenner?'' You can tell that she is genuinely happy now at this point in her life because the leg works pretty much been done and now it's about enjoying life finally. ''My 20s were horrible'' - Britney Spears, 2016. Enjoying her kids growing up. Enjoying her parents while she still has them. As a fan from the start, it makes me begin to write such a silly and lengthy post just because I know this is what she wanted and she can have an amazing second half to her life.

Kill your idea of Britney coming back with her 20 year old brain stirring controversies left right and centre and being a constant tabloid and tv fixture. That is a different time and era. Just try and enjoy what she does while she does and shares it.






I'm glad you touched on the fact that Britney is and has always been a  simple girl. She never expected to become an icon or the "Princess of pop". It all just sort of happened.

I remember her saying that she just wanted to record an album and maybe buy a house with the money that she made from it. She was not expecting her career to be as massive as it was and honestly,how could she? She became a phenomenon. That's what Oprah Winfrey called her ,and that's tea.:thetea:


These stans who expect her to desperately try to become more relevant by acting out all their fantasies are delusional. Britney is comfortable where she is now.

No way is she going to go after the same kind of fame that burned her so badly in the first place. Hell,fame is the reason why she probably said she hated her 20s


With that being said,this is not a pass for her to release mediocrity JUST to make money. She should continue to do music because she enjoys it. I wanna see her challenge herself and do new things,but at this point i just don't expect to see her being as overexposed and prominent as she was in her prime. It's just not gunna happen.

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