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Perfume is underrated


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Why are there so many people bashing it?

When we first heard the song everyone here was praising the song, the vocals, the production and was calling it everytime 2.0 or even better than everytime.

just because britney did not promote it and let it flop it doesn't mean the song is a flop.

her vocals on it are amazing and she is using her natural voice.

we should praise the song and just let the hate for the video they gave us. 


Just like with make me, the video ruined its performance on the charts and fans' support, but the song remains a masterpiece.


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I love perfume and liked the video too. I thought it was emotional when it switched over and you saw the guy do the same things he just did with Brit with another girl. And you were left to wonder who was the main girl and who was the side piece. 

Of course i wished the original, more controversial video was released to give it some hype but i didn't think the video was that bad. 

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It's better than Everytime IMO, it's a masterpiece, great lyrics, great vocals, great production, it's just a shame she didn't performed it, she done a great job singing Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know on the FF tour and she would have rocked Vegas singing that song, i can her a bit of her vocals in it, but it's really hard cause the backing track is too loud.

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I personally still love the song! I STILL listen to it sometimes! Her voice is amazing on it! I don't think people here bash it (Do they?) I know the MV was the main reason people abandoned ship!

However, I will say this much... I would have preferred it to be a stand alone single!

1 hour ago, MX3 said:

I love perfume and liked the video too. I thought it was emotional when it switched over and you saw the guy do the same things he just did with Brit with another girl. And you were left to wonder who was the main girl and who was the side piece. 

Of course i wished the original, more controversial video was released to give it some hype but i didn't think the video was that bad. 

I don't think it's bad either (a little boring/confusing though) in my head I like to think... she imagines her relationship with him the whole time and that she is an obsessed stalker instead of his gf (which is the girl she sees with him)... this part isnt in it... but like she breaks in and sprays her perfume on the stuff... watches him sleep... creepy stuff like that... that's just me though ;)... I think the main reason is people were hyped/promised a storyline (even through the teasers)...

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