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New Britney Tweet + What Are You Gonna Be For Halloween?


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Aww, cute!

I'm really lazy -- and I spend all of my money on my shadowcast stuff for this month -- so I'm recycling the costume I'll be wearing on Saturday, October 29th....



One of these guys, the Transylvanians from Rocky Horror Picture Show-- though my outfit is a little modified. My jacket has coattails and I have black sparkly shorts and knee high boots, and my main color (aside from black and white) is hot pink.

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20 minutes ago, ToxicLuver23 said:

Apparently Britney's sons are DBZ fans~ Which I'm totally cool with, as Britney Spears and DBZ were like my childhood~ They are the 2 things that made my childhood awesome~ 

Godney's son is Lord Frieza~ How cute? :ohnoney:


Oh Godney... That could actually be a Mewto outfit

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