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Most Sold Albums of 2016 on US

Artsy Fartsy

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I mean, is anyone surprised? Not only does Britney actively hide from the spotlight nowadays, she's not the same girl who'd sit and serenade her audience live, do back handsprings and high kicks, and "whoo!" during every dance break. She hasn't been for over a decade. The GP doesn't care about her anymore, they don't check for her anymore.

Let's not even get into her trash label and her even worse trash team. It's obvious Vegas isn't helping one bit, either.

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1 hour ago, timito said:

I'm sorry but you should not compare her album sales with many of those artist because Britney's album has not been out as long. And yes her numbers might not be the best but I still think she is doing great. 

doing great? LOL.
there are people on the list who are only LOCAL ACT. and im sure half of the usa doesnt even know  about them.
and britney is supposed to be a GLOBAL POP ICON.
sadly those local acts sell more than a pop music legend? LOL. sorry but britney's career is dying each day as long as she stays in vegas and doing armoghraphy

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44 minutes ago, Borja said:

I cannnot believe Britney released an album and it's not even in the top 100 of most sold albums this year. Definitely something is not working properly BRITNEY AND BRITNEY TEAM. :ipass:


That's what happens when you do 95% of POM promo and 5% of your brand new album. But don't worry, she's 'very aware of numbers' lol

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