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Preview Britney's Appearance On The Jonathan Ross Show

Jordan Miller

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idiots i ******* hate them 

after all this years she has the right to speak for whatever she wants 

they can't do this to her anymore 

if we don't get this part on the interview we must make a petition and blow their minds up cause we can create drama (original make me video petition) 

the girl wants to speak let her ******* ********


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1 minute ago, PlayingItSafe said:


Maybe she's afraid they'll take away her security guards and she'll be vulnerable like 2005-2007? 


In a recent interview she mentioned she's happy to have security now and I feel like her "team" sort all of that out for her and maybe they've threatened to take security away if she ends the c-ship :sobbing:

if she end the c-ship they don't control her anymore so she can fire anybody or even hire who she wants so it doesn't make sense that they threatened her to take her security away because even if they did she coul just hire the again or hire new people, and i think that if she is still under it legally there must be a real reason, anyway what i don't understand is if previously she just couldn't decide what changed now cause she still is under the c-ship? :dontlike:i think before she just accepted what other people told her to do even with her album, now she just said no i wanna do it my own way and they said ok because maybe she is on a better place right now with her health and with her mind and that makes me so happy to know that she is doing so much better :otears:

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13 minutes ago, PlayingItSafe said:


Maybe she's afraid they'll take away her security guards and she'll be vulnerable like 2005-2007? 


In a recent interview she mentioned she's happy to have security now and I feel like her "team" sort all of that out for her and maybe they've threatened to take security away if she ends the c-ship :sobbing:

She is probably close with most of them, that she could just rehire them herself. But her team could make it seem like their job is so hard and that she could never manage to do anything, even though they always do things wrong(I still can't believe they're not trying to promote the second single)

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Im not giving up on make me either. Screw the second single. Make me os flawless and deserves justice. The gp is so stupid and so are the radio stations. They will learn the hard way

Im not giving up on make me either. Screw the second single. Make me os flawless and deserves justice. The gp is so stupid and so are the radio stations. They will learn the hard way

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15 minutes ago, PlayingItSafe said:


Maybe she's afraid they'll take away her security guards and she'll be vulnerable like 2005-2007? 


In a recent interview she mentioned she's happy to have security now and I feel like her "team" sort all of that out for her and maybe they've threatened to take security away if she ends the c-ship :sobbing:

More like her boys. But I get what you mean.

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Sorry but why are you so shocked of Britney smoking weed at 17?

Almost everyone I know smoked weed at that age and some even younger. Its not a big deal or bad either.

It really isn't that unusual at all. What's more is that she was in the industry at that age... so do you really think she was NEVER introduced to it?

You're all very naive tbh. Naive to a degree where it has me wonder whether you guys actually think before you type.


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