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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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7 hours ago, Miss Cootie said:

I liked the performance but its not true that most fans havent seen her POM shows. Thats all she has done for 3 years. Every decent fan has seen it on youtube

But I mostly didn't because I hate those fan videos. And I thought last night was her first great performance post-knee injury. I'm not being delusional. I keep watching it, yet I don't understand how you guys are still complaining. Her energy was fire!

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Just now, BrittonJeanSpears said:

The bended knees :yesplease: Yass, sis. :yesplease:

I'm actually watching the performance for the first time right now. And like I said, her DANCING was flawfree. She had fire, energy and flawless execution. The choreography itself is TRASH. Nothing we haven't said before.

I thought it was the glory ERA? LOL :queenflopga: 

My point exactly, sis.

There's really no difference when consecutive days constitute an era.



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16 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

And that's totally understandable. I really get it. What I don't get is how do all of you became fans in the first place, if it was always like that. We only had some live performances back then, but most of the time there was always the lipsyncing.

It's like, "oh, I'm fan of Britney, but she needs to change everything she does". Then you're not a fan, you just like her songs, or her videos, or her personality or I don't know. I always put the same example, it's as if suddenly I said, "oh, I'm an Adele fan, because I liked one of her songs, but she needs to do choreos, and she needs to do more uptempo songs, and she needs to go urban, and she needs to bring a rapper, and she needs to do everything that she doesn't currently do, and not only that, but she needs to also stop doing what she's been doing since the beginning, because I don't like it". Then I'm not a fan of her, I just happened to like one of her songs, and that's it. And I'll keep following and bashing everything that she does from now on, because I'll always compare it to that one song or one album or one performance I liked of hers, that she'll never do again.

What I see is that many of you are also fans of other artists, and you have like this preconception of what an artist is supposed to do, and you want Britney to adapt to that concept, when she's never been like that. And even if at some point she was like that, and you're comparing her to "Primeney", the reality is that she's not anymore, and it's been like this for many years now. Ya'll need to let it go, and accept she will never fit your expectations, and just stay with whatever you liked about her from her past albums/eras, if you even really liked something about her in the first place, because I see many people bashing her early songs like Stronger and Crazy, and I'm like, wtf, if that was the definition of Britney Spears. Many people in here would be so happy following artists like Rihanna or Ariana Grande or Beyoncé, and I'm sure they secretly do and that's why they're so harsh with Britney. They need to understand Britney Spears is something totally different now.


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10 minutes ago, COCKy™ said:

My point exactly, sis.

There's really no difference when consecutive days constitute an era.



No, sis. I was making a joke since the current album is named GLORY. :gimmemoar: Her actual glory days were low-key Onyxney and we all know this. But she's healthy, happy and hot as **** right now and that's something to be damn proud of, even if her current career choices aren't. :yaknow: 

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10 minutes ago, BritintheZone said:

Two different things tho

the guy in the circus stage got on the stage and was standing there when she turn around 

the person yesterday just touch her shoulder while she was walking .Honestly I was expecting more people to try to touch her 

Yeah, when she's walking through the crowd it's expected some kind of interaction with the people. When she's in the center of the stage, far away from the crowd, fans aren't supposed to join her there :P

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11 minutes ago, Scrappy said:

Like what? She was barely dancing. That's why live singing is the other option. If she doesn't dance and doesn't sing, then what is she doing exactly? It's not a model catwalk.

Umm I guess it's time for you to leave then, it's been 10+ years since she did what you wanted, are you gonna waste another 10 years posting about it?

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Just now, BrittonJeanSpears said:

No, sis. I was making a joke since the current album is named GLORY. :gimmemoar: Her actual glory days were low-key Onyxney and we all know this. But she's healthy, happy and hot as **** right now and that's something to be damn proud of, even if her current career choices aren't. :yaknow: 

I caught the joke, silly goose head.

It was cute.

For me, these are the glory days.  She's a living inspiration.

She made it guys. 

We can all exhale a sigh of relief.

She's going to be okay.



But on some reeel ****, she needs to fire everyobody including Larry, and ESPECIALLY that ole fuckboy, beat up Mr. Potato Head lookin' ***, Adam.  Just go '07 on them hoes.  ALL them hoes.  Revamp your team.  She was so excited to work on this album because of that Kwak A&R girl.  She said it didin't feel like the usual "work" when they brought her in.  And thank God they did.  Because we could have an album of non-stop Pretty Girls if it were up to Larry and Adama.

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I understand the frustration for pre-recorded vocals because for example beyonce is dancing less while lipsynching to pre-recorded vocals and gets all the love while britney gets trashed

but I don't understand fans obsession for actual live singing either. she's always been great as a visual artist, not a live singer

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Just now, BrittonJeanSpears said:

And God's favorite performance: Everytime. Stay mad, *****. :imcute: I would low-key kill for that white ballgown back for a full section of LIVE ballads at POM, and don't even try to lie by saying you wouldn't either. :queenflopga: 

Of course I would love it, if she did that with ballads. But if she did that with a song like Slumber Party... meh :donewithit:


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