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i don't think someone who lipsynchs every performance can have a ray of light album

like i'm okay with that, it's just like...why do people keep putting britney into the madonna ray of light category? britney makes fun **** stupid blonde *** kitten music. like...what do you expect, bjork territory?

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1 hour ago, Doomsday said:

"Ray Of Light" (adj)- a music phrase or term used to describe a masterpiece album that is innovative in production, vocals, and lyrics. The production must be stellar, vocals outstanding, and lyrics INTROSPECTIVE, DEEP, MEANINGFUL, AND POETIC. The term was derived from Madonna's 1998 masterpiece album of the same name where Madonna broke boundaries and revolutionized the music industry forever. Critics chose ROL for the phrase because its title is regarded as the best album title of all time. Obviously Madonna first made her masterpiece with the brilliant "Like A Prayer" but that title is not very fitting. It would be awkward for one to say "Anti is a Like A Prayer." It just hits the ear wrong and doesn't feel good when you say it. But try saying "Anti is a Ray Of Light" it rolls off your tongue like candy and explodes through your whole body. Definitely the greatest album title EVER.

:ricackle: Your obsession with this album is sad... There are albums way more "innovative in production, vocals, and lyrics" out there even before your ******* ROL. Madonna ain't ****.

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1 hour ago, britneysslumberparty said:

I agreed with you on like two points but then i saw this 

First, Britney hasnt always been that party *** girl. She started to show that a little during the Britney Era but it wasn't full force until ITZ. :rihclap:

Second, Glory is her best since Blackout. Next. :OMGney:

Lastly, NO ONE THATS POPULAR IN THE MAINSTREAM TOP 40 MARKET SELLS 100,000+ copies ANYMORE. RIHANNA DIDNT. BEYONKA DIDNT. Thank Streaming. It obviously did better than ******** because it debuted higher. :surething:

Didn't Beyonce's last album sell like, 800,000 copies in its first week though??? And Rihanna sold 166.000 with Anti. You tried.

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Madonna was like 39 when she made ROL album and it still got its impact and never sounds dated till this day. However why do people emphasis on each Britney album since "FF" that her next album will be her ROL ? Like seriously just stahp!

Britney got her own lane so far, she is way much different than Madonna. Sure they are both making "pop" music but to each it's own direction. 

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1 hour ago, britney_rocks said:

Didn't Beyonce's last album sell like, 800,000 copies in its first week though??? And Rihanna sold 166.000 with Anti. You tried.

Rihanna's first week on Billboard with ANTI sold 460 copies (yes four hundred) without streaming added to it. Sit the **** down and stop pretending you know **** when you clearly have no clue what the **** you're talking about. Thanks.

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23 minutes ago, NotAPassenger said:

And by his definition the "Ray Of Light (Adj)" Tracks are: 


Invitation, Make Me, Do You Wanna Come Over?, Man On The Moon, Just Luv Me, Just Like Me, What You Need, If I'm Dancing and Coupure Electrique- at least 


So that's 9 so :shameless:

Don't forget Mood Ring :riri: That's 10 right there :bwink:

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2 hours ago, Doomsday said:

This is the toughest Britney record critics have deliberated on. That's why it took a whole week. But they have finally reached a verdict. Before the verdict is announced let's review everything we know about a "Ray Of Light" album:

"Ray Of Light" (adj)- a music phrase or term used to describe a masterpiece album that is innovative in production, vocals, and lyrics. The production must be stellar, vocals outstanding, and lyrics INTROSPECTIVE, DEEP, MEANINGFUL, AND POETIC. The term was derived from Madonna's 1998 masterpiece album of the same name where Madonna broke boundaries and revolutionized the music industry forever. Critics chose ROL for the phrase because its title is regarded as the best album title of all time. Obviously Madonna first made her masterpiece with the brilliant "Like A Prayer" but that title is not very fitting. It would be awkward for one to say "Anti is a Like A Prayer." It just hits the ear wrong and doesn't feel good when you say it. But try saying "Anti is a Ray Of Light" it rolls off your tongue like candy and explodes through your whole body. Definitely the greatest album title EVER.

Anywho, back to the meaning. An album MUST fulfill all three components of a "Ray Of Light" album (production, vocals, and lyrics) for it to be considered a ROL album. If one component is missing the album cannot be a ROL. All 8 Britney albums are missing a component or two that's why she doesn't have a ROL. BUT is Glory the one? Does Glory have all three components? Is Glory Britney Jean Spears' first ever "Ray Of Light" album? Critics have finally reached a verdict after a week of INTENSE deliberation.

AND THE VERDICT IS..... (drum roll)







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So why? Well, Glory is missing two components: Production and lyrics. There's nothing really revolutionary or experimental here (except for a few exceptions like CE). I miss the old Britney where she created trends and sounds instead of following them. One thing that made Madonna's "Ray Of Light" so flawless is how she created a new sound mixing electronica with trip hop and pop making for a very experimental, innovative record. Whereas Britney is following trends (possibly to stay relevant). There is heavy influence of Selena Gomez's Revival and Justin Bieber's Purpose here. None of those albums are "Ray Of Lights" so saying Glory is a ROL is like saying Revival is also a ROL. The only really innovative tracks on Glory are Make Me, Do You wanna come over, Private Show, What You Need, and Clumsy. I feels like if Burns would have produced the entire record we would have had a "Ray Of Light" album. But Britney chose to work with hip songwriters at the moment so they created the same record they did with other artists they've worked with. Nothing new or innovative on Glory. This was what I was afraid of. That's why I wanted her to work with more unknown producers and songwriters so they can create something fresh and original. Prime Britney never was influenced by, she INFLUENCED.

The second component Glory is missing is lyrics. The lyrics just aren't deep, meaningful, and introspective enough. Just ***. She has nothing to say. A "Ray Of Light" album usually signifies a rebirth, an album when the artist reconnects with what is real and true. Britney has always been the party, *** girl. No rebirth here. Just the same subject she's been talking about for the last 17 years of her career. Like I said in my other thread, how many Eroticas is she gonna make? It's sad that she can't talk about anything else. GROW BRITNEY. Beyonce talks about real issues on lemonade making it the best album of her career while Britney sticks to the same tired subject. Now the granted the lyrics in Glory are more mature but they're not deep, poetic, and introspective enough to make it a "Ray Of Light" album.

Now by no means is Glory a bad album. It's her best since Femme Fatale. It's a great pop album but it would be a stretch to call it a ROL album. Yes, she has never sounded better but that's the only component that's fulfilled here. Also, don't forget that you need 8 "Ray Of Light" songs (for albums less that 13 tracks) and 12 ROL songs (for albums more than 12 tracks) for your album to be a ROL. I would say Glory has like 3 but the rest are pure pop perfection. Just Luv Me is a treat and should be a single. Even though it's heavily influenced by revival but at least revival is a great pop album so I don't mind the influence.

Anywho, Glory is her lowest debuting album to date in terms of pure album sales, 88,000. It even sold less than Britney Jean. Embarrassing but not surprising. It's safe to call it a flop album. Let's pray it might have longevity but with the album not being a rol, I doubt that will happen. I predicted this. I did say if Glory is anything but a ROL it will flop and well I might be right. Maybe it's still early to call. Like I said let's pray for longevity at least.



Opinions are like aholes. Everybody has one.

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49 minutes ago, makemeslay said:

Rihanna's first week on Billboard with ANTI sold 460 copies (yes four hundred) without streaming added to it. Sit the **** down and stop pretending you know **** when you clearly have no clue what the **** you're talking about. Thanks.

Sorry boo boo, but maybe you're the one who needs to do some research and sit the **** down before acting like a pressed Britard. You tried. Again.


"Rihanna’s Anti album vaults to No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, marking the diva’s second leader. The set earned 166,000 units in the U.S. in the week ending Feb. 4, according to Nielsen Music, with pure album sales equating to 124,000 of that sum."


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2 minutes ago, britney_rocks said:

Sorry boo boo, but maybe you're the one who needs to do some research and sit the **** down before acting like a pressed Britard. You tried. Again.


"Rihanna’s Anti album vaults to No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, marking the diva’s second leader. The set earned 166,000 units in the U.S. in the week ending Feb. 4, according to Nielsen Music, with pure album sales equating to 124,000 of that sum."


But despite those big numbers, “Anti” had a low start on the Billboard album chart this week, opening at No. 27 — Rihanna’s lowest opening chart position. Nielsen reported that the album sold fewer than 1,000 copies in the United States; a subscriber to its service who declined to be identified because the data is private, said that the number of albums sold was 460. The album also had 4.2 million streams and 126,000 sales of individual tracks, according to data from Nielsen, whose accounting week goes through the end of Thursday.



Now what *****?

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4 minutes ago, makemeslay said:

But despite those big numbers, “Anti” had a low start on the Billboard album chart this week, opening at No. 27 — Rihanna’s lowest opening chart position. Nielsen reported that the album sold fewer than 1,000 copies in the United States; a subscriber to its service who declined to be identified because the data is private, said that the number of albums sold was 460. The album also had 4.2 million streams and 126,000 sales of individual tracks, according to data from Nielsen, whose accounting week goes through the end of Thursday.



Now what *****?

Thanks for showing that. I had no idea, and I apologize for being a prick about it. 

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