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Katy Perry And Lorde Gush Over Lady Gaga's "Perfect Illusion"

Jordan Miller

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4 hours ago, openwatersurfer said:

I think it's funny that Britney has had so many potential 'replacements' over the years :embarrassney:

Hilary Duff (that was funny), Miley Cyrus etc... But I remember back in 2009/2010 it really sort of felt like Lady Gaga was going to be THE new 'it' girl, successor to Madonna etc.... All my friends loved her and even I was a bit of a Gaga fan for a time (please forgive me) :otears: 

It's just my two cents but I kinda feel like Gaga peaked too soon. She had barely been out a year and was already like wearing meat dress, collab with Beyonce, being hailed as the new Queen of Pop etc... I don't think anyone could live up to that hype so early in their career. 


I was also a Gaga fan for a time. I think the stunts just overshadowed the music. It just didn't seem natural to me, if that makes sense. I like a few artists that would have weird videos or do weird things and it just came more naturally to them versus "I gotta try harder to top the last crazy thing I did." and that's the vibe I got from Gaga. 

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2 hours ago, ebritneybeat said:

Every artist has his own place in the industry.I hate the "replacement" bullshits.There will be not another Britney,another Whitney,another MJ etc.Lady Gaga is talented and unique,Beyonce is talented and unique,Britney is talented and unique etc.There is no need for silly childish comparisons.Even if there are artists that now top Britney on charts,it doesn't change the fact she's already a legend.

This is the most rational post I've seen here in a while. A long while. 

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tbh I've always admired Gaga because of her talent. she has a great voice, she can dance, she releases catchy songs but her behavior after a while just made me dislike her. i mean she was all for the attention and nothing else. she chose to be a fake person. even in her interviews it was clear that she struggled to act like a coldhearted ***** seeking attention and didn't let her true self come out.  i'm happy that she had a long break because it seems like she started finding happiness again.

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2 hours ago, nonoiseplz said:

I remember when  YOU FANS thought that those lesser girls were going to replace Britney..... I never thought it.:feelingmyself:

I know and that was the sole reason they hated them because they fear competition yet they pretend it isnt by listing thousand other reasons that they made up in their delusional heads.

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31 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

I know and that was the sole reason they hated them because they fear competition yet they pretend it isnt by listing thousand other reasons that they made up in their delusional heads.

Yea, but Gaga did try Britney a couple of times with her "blonde ***** who lipsychs" comments that she made on that tour.  Theres only one head blonde ***** who lipsycs , so we knew who she was talking about.  :donewithit:

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1 minute ago, nonoiseplz said:

Yea, but Gaga did try Britney a couple of times with her "blonde ***** who lipsychs" comments that she made on that tour.  Theres only one head blonde ***** who lipsycs , so we knew who she was talking about.  :donewithit:

Ok yeah that but then again, this fanbase bash her for lipsyncing too and if Gaga is dancing and singing live yet Britney gets to only do half of that I can get why she is a bit pressed.

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9 minutes ago, puppylo16 said:

Ok yeah that but then again, this fanbase bash her for lipsyncing too and if Gaga is dancing and singing live yet Britney gets to only do half of that I can get why she is a bit pressed.

Gaga might as well been lipsyching some of those songs on her tour too since her backtrack smothered her live voice and all she did was grunt and shout out random notes.lol But its not just her , that seems to be what most of the 'live' pop girls do on  tour these days; and i would kill for Britney to do it.:bsass:

Still, Gaga chose to sing live while attempting to dance. There was no need to throw shade at Britney for choosing not to sing live.  She did that because she knew the comparisons would look good in her favor. I still like Gaga but she lost her Godney stan card.

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