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Britney Spears And Ellen DeGeneres Are Double The Trouble At L.A. Mall: Watch

Jordan Miller

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This was amazing!!!

Britney and Ellen together are heaven and give the best laughs ever. You bitchy power bottoms need to STFU about promo or not promoting the album. Britney doesn't need to go on shows to beg the public to buy her album. She's the queen, queens don't do that. Everyone knows Britney and obviously she's out promoting a new album, which she gave the entire audience. For Circus, she did the same thing, and every other Ellen appearance. She likes to have fun on that show and not get interviewed. You ******* complaining need to get a hobby 

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I promise, if one day i will see a Britney full of herself, like Gaga, Beyonce or whatever, i will be very dissapointed and im going to stop with everything.. i prefer a Brit humble and sweet and not doing so much promo instead to see a Brit full of herself with a lot of promo! The end!

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Yup. Okay. Britney needs to quit doing ****. She needs to retire. I SAY THIS BECAUSE THIS WAS CUTE VIDEO SHE DID FOR FUN THAT HER FANS COULD ENJOY AND ALL YOU GUYS ARE DOING IS BITCHING AND WHINING ABOUT IT. You guys don't ******* deserve her. So ******* pathetic. I'm officially done with this **** *** "community". Move on to stan Beyonce or something because you aren't wanted here. 

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5 hours ago, BSfemme said:

What is wrong with her team? Was that "day at the mall" suposed to be promotion for glory? is this a joke?


1. Britney didnt say 2 sentences in the freaking video

2. it was awkward af as ellen was making fun of being a celebrity having britney as an example when she is the humblest of all the celebrities. her face screamed: UNCOMFORTABLE

3. they didnt even play make me

4. they didnt even show glory cover on screen or something

5. they didnt even show images from the music video

6. they didnt even interview britney about life, the new album, music, projects, vegas


i could go on. this is a joke. ellen show has millions of viewers, what kind of message were they delivering? what was the purporse? gosh her team sucks.


they just went for a random "make it viral" kind of video which sucked. ellen is definitely overrated. britney needs to step her ******* game, ugh.

yes yes yes yes


i think the same

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11 minutes ago, Hispanicney said:

It was cute but it's hard to ignore how nervous she looked and it also looked like Ellen annoyed her numerous times. 


I couldn't put my finger on why I didn't like this as much as I wanted to...but it was the part where Britney came off visibly annoyed.

I don't know why anyone is saying this is close to the "old Britney." I don't remember the old Britney emoting in that way. She always made goofy faces, but not exaggerated faces like that -- not as a substitution for words or an honest reaction. 

It must be the cameras that make her so nervous, because she doesn't come across that way in radio interviews whatsoever.

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25 minutes ago, Britneylandia said:

This was amazing :haha: I can't with you guys, you are a bunch of ******** :carpoolney:


21 minutes ago, Hispanicney said:

It was cute but it's hard to ignore how nervous she looked and it also looked like Ellen annoyed her numerous times. 

Well I mean it seems like a lot of it was just on the fly so Britney may have been like omg are we really gonna do that

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3 minutes ago, lustwecantcontrol said:


Well I mean it seems like a lot of it was just on the fly so Britney may have been like omg are we really gonna do that

Right!? I thought it was adorable.


If you guys think she was genuinely annoyed or pissed off you don't know the Britney I've been stanning for 17+ years and haven't seen all of her Making The Video, backstage, blahblah whatever personal Britney vids. That's her, guys. She has a friggin personality. 

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Oh and let me add this too - I know I reference what my BF thinks a lot, because he is the best and most accessible representation of straight male GP non-Stan, non-ironic Britney loving, non-pop music appreciator I know. He is literally THE GP.

he has hated all of her recent promo, hated the Make Me video (we watched it together. He melted down before y'all even did.) he rubbed my back after the VMA performance because he knew I was a lil disappointed. He held my tears back when Beyoncé came out before her. He knew how upset I was...but EVEN STILL, he is still THAT STRAIGHT MAN saying, "ugh she's so old now! Why is she lip syncing? Dude, she's over. She's done. Why is this?" Etc

anyway I was watching this, and I was laughing. He's used to seeing me flip out over anything Britney, he usually rolls his eyes and walks off..but he stopped. I paused it, and was like "oh, yeah..." kind of explained the video, and he says... "Rewind this. I want to see this." And I'm like "....okay?" So he actually sat down for it. We watched the WHOLE THING together, and when they got to the suit part, he's like "yeah, damn she needs a suit. She looks good. She looks good in a suit holy ****." Then they get to the walk/strut part, he says, 

"WOW, SHE LOOKS REALLY HOT. SHES HOT AGAIN! WHAT HAPPENED!? HOW DID SHE GET LIKE, REALLY HOT AGAIN!? Omg, she looks so hot." And I'm like flipping out because I'm so happy that he loves Brit in this moment and it gets to the end and he goes, "...that was very funny. She looked a little stiff to me, but it was funny. I liked that." And I'm like "you're dumb you don't know that's just how she is"





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I've watched this about 5 times now, and finally nailed down why I had a first bad reaction.

There's ONE SCENE in it that I think they should have cut -- the part where they asked the lady to fish coins out of the fountain. Britney looked really uncomfortable with that, and I can understand why.

If they had have left that one scene out I think I would have played out completely differently -- sort of the same as how they included a bad scene in Carpool Karaoke (where Brit lipsynchs to Toxic). If they had have left that out it would have felt much different overall.

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