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Britney Spears And Ellen DeGeneres Are Double The Trouble At L.A. Mall: Watch

Jordan Miller

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21 minutes ago, PRIVATE.SHOW said:

No thanks. I'm not gonna support that so they better get their **** together and release a proper single.

I think Britney really likes that song so shouldn't you respect her decision (if she has a say in it and it does become the second single) :idkney:

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This video just approves how humble our queen is. that's why I've always admired her. not just for her music talent but because she really is like a girl next door no matter how huge she is as a celebrity. Anyway i liked the video. not anything special though. ellen was the only one talking for the most part and tbh i'm not really sure i like the concept of this whole "we're celebrities" segment. promo is promo though 

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41 minutes ago, chris_fives said:

No Make Me? **** yall!!! What the ****!!?? :wendycry:

And Brit was clearly not feeling this.. It was a bit missfire.. she is not liking the whole celebrity/being rich thing and she was cringing all the time..

She looked hot tho..

I thought she had fun in it. It was the same when they went caroling years back.

Ellen does something and Britney is always shocked and laughing at it 

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It was cute


But it's Thursday of week 2, are you telling me that is our ******* promo.


This era is over. 

I may be a tad dramatic, but seriously *****, slay me with some open and honest interviews, get some new choreography where you move more than your arms and drop a KILLAH music video or this is dead and gone.


OMG this is out Lotus, when Xtina fans thought bionic was her flop and then lotus came with heavy promo to say Hi


Oh god :( 

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