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:feelingmyself::feelingmyself:Yasssss! :crying1:

I mean the album on Metacritic have 14 reviews with a average in total of 71/100, I don't think the album it's getting more reviews, So it's officially this album it's her most aclaimed album in 16 Years. And it's her seconds most Aclaimed album ever by the media according to Metacritic (don't exist information about Baby One More Time Album on the Site) 

1. Oops!... I Did It Again (72/100). 2000 release 

2. Glory (71/100). 2016 release 

3. Femme Fatale (67/100). 2011 release 

4. In The Zone (66/100). 2003 release 

5. Circus (64/100). 2008 release 

6. Blackout (61/100). 2007 release 

7. Britney (58/100). 2001 release 

8. Britney Jean (50/100). 2013 release.

Congratulations Britney!!!


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40 minutes ago, DirtyMind said:

That was the first thing I noticed.  How the **** is it only a few points above BJ?? :beynah: What a travesty.

People fought for the bubblegum pop, girl next door phase to stick around, they didn't like the ****, more urban sound and style she was going with. I remember it being huge and controversial, and people citing that they liked innocent Britney more than the new one. (I know it's still a thing to this day, but it was amplified big time back then. There was even that Cosmo photo shoot of 'angel vs. devil Britney' that the controversy inspired.) I agree though, I'm sad its score is so low.

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1 hour ago, Shaq Fu said:

Oops stays the best album

#1 on Metacritic

#1 on weekly sales

#1 on Buzzfeed's public poll of 74,000 people

#1 on number of Cheiron songs in the album (nine compared to BOMT's six and Britney's four)


#1 in my heart

Love the slayage that is Oops! :gobaby:

So iconic she even paid homage to it in her Glory album :orly:


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