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Can you relate to Britney's social awkwardness?


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4 minutes ago, SlayOut said:

I read this and felt like I wrote it myself tbh :tifftear: I feel you on all of what you said! Especially the friends aspect; I never had much connection to people I went to high school with (minus a literal few people) since I was in the closet at the time and felt like no one really understood me then (not even myself). Going to college made me more outgoing (by my own standards hahaha) in that I found people that had similar interests but were also different. I saw myself coming into my personality, but there was always something missing and I didn't know what it was. I graduated college a couple months ago and I had to move back home because of finances, but I so miss all my friends I made. I feel very alone now and my anxiety/fears have heightened. But I'm trying to love myself and give myself enough grace to be joyful and happy with imperfections. That's why I love Britney and stan for her, since she's a role model in that aspect for me tbh :brityes:

Anyway, just wanted to affirm what you said! And feel what many people in the thread expressed!  

u r amazing I'm so sure about that! Omg this thread is kinda therapeutic lol. This is amazing that we r able to share and giving strength to each other! :sobbing:

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I have it even worse than her. :embarrassney:

When I was a child I was much better off, but then as a teen things got worse and I don't even know why. I wasn't bullied or anything, but I pushed away friends and I don't even understand how. Now it's very hard to make a new friend. I haven't had a very close friend for years now.

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34 minutes ago, Britneybbhmm said:

u r amazing I'm so sure about that! Omg this thread is kinda therapeutic lol. This is amazing that we r able to share and giving strength to each other! :sobbing:

You're amazing too!! It really is a beautiful thing to see people sharing stories! ;) A lot of strength in this thread! For sure lots of Karate Kids too! (Ftr teas!)

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Yeah and I relate to her awkwardness on a spiritual level. I'm extremely shy, quiet and not even 1% outgoing. I hate being the "spotlight" and I'm so ok with it. I ******* hate when people force me to speak or spend time with them, that's the way I am, leave me alone! That's why I hate everyone, I really need to feel comfortable with someone to finally be me! =) 

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I'm very socially awkward, but not the type where people feel bad for you. I was (and still) made fun of. :sickofu: I'm not very good at expressing my emotions and handling situations. I'm getting better with and tbh I think that going on exhale is helping me by dealing with all the delusion and meltdowns.:lustney: In some ways, I feel like Britney gives me courage.

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15 hours ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


Thank you for this. I think I'm gonna cry right now. Lmao (not really 'lmao'). Adiós, I'm out the door.

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1 hour ago, Britneybbhmm said:

U r probably right! :britstare:

It is what is and I don't like being called a victim. I actually learned and accept it and I enjoy my own company, there r just times when u need someone tbh. 

I am not saying that I have like found god and am a monk who lives in peace and solitude. I still believe in wanting/needing someone. What I was trying to say it I am the kind of person who if someone is awkward around me, like breaks/avoids eye contact, is quiet -- whatever -- I dont take it personally and get offended and assume they are a stuck up piece of ****. I just carry on my day because I was never looking for that little connection to begin with.

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1 hour ago, musicman85 said:

Yes! When I'm at work and I put my "work face" on, I have attitude, fire and passion, just the same way Brit is when she's on the stage performing -- that's her world and she owns it completely everytime. I can be surrounded by 10 or 20 people and I act like I own the whole joint. BUT if I'm anywhere else just being casual, and I'm thrown in the same room with a crowd of people, I freeze up and avoid everyone. 

And also when I'm in a group meeting with different people, I always play with my hands under the table.  

I think I have social anxiety and it probably deals with a lot of HS bull, but that's another story lol 

Wow this is so me! At work I am a social butterfly and strut around like I am the ******* boss. I just moved to a new office and I am being bombarded by people asking me to go out for drink or hang out and I legit CANT because outside of work I wouldnt be able to deal and they would see the much quieter, shyer awkward me lmao


PS EVERYONE ELSE I love all of you! I would be so happy to just all meet up, get in one big room, and have one giant awkward chill listening to Britney all night

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16 hours ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


I can 100% relate! Hanging out with people requires so much energy because I feel like I'm always putting on a show, scared they're judging my every move. I have like 1 or 2 close friends now but spend 90% of my free time alone. Hugs sweetie!

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I can totally relate! :dontlike: I am so socially  awkward when I try talking to people.  I do ok at first and then the anxiety kicks in and they can tell I'm nervous and then start to look at me like I'm a weirdo or something, lol.  I have a hard time making friends with females because they don't really seem interested in talking to me even though I've tried.  I'm better at making friends with guys because they don't seem to judge me and I can kind of be myself around them.  If I have a few drinks then that's the only time I don't care who it is, I can talk up a storm when I'm drinking, lol:bparty:

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16 hours ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


It's been the same way for me for years so I understand how it feels :crying4:

I've only ever had one friend back when I was younger but when they moved away back 4 years ago I was never the same. They were the only person I talked to and we both stood up for eachother but after they moved away everything had changed and since then I haven't been able to make any friends :crying1:

I was bullied a ton too and its one of the reasons I always hated school so much. I've also went into phases of depression before because of it and would sometimes act bitter about not being able to make friends because of my shyness.

I have learned to live with it though and tried to at least make the best of it. It still kinda gets to me sometimes. It's the reason my name on here is 'ChrisTheLoner' :kidcries:

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