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Britney Flaunts It On Flaunt Magazine

Jordan Miller

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I love this photo! Side bangs reminds me of 2008 Glamour! 

You know what, I've been dying for a wet Britney photoshoot. Clothed but wet Britney. My prerogativeney, Strongerney. Need to make a Britney wet/in water appreciation thread :brit2016:

Anyway. I've seen a few performances in the last year or so with handheld mics still with some choreo. I keep thinking how fierce and awesome AMAs were. I can dream!

But I'm certain she is taking it seriously and will deliver. There doesn't have to be a stunt for a performance to be powerful :TOMH:

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3 hours ago, anti said:

I told y'all not to expect anything 'iconic' or any 'surprises'...I can tell she's done with that stuff, and it's just going to be a cute performance nothing major, but I'm still happy she's doing all this promo. She's 34 now, I mean she's not going to be out there kissing girls (Okay she kissed her best friend on stage last year but you know what I mean) and doing all this ****** things when it's the VMAs you know.. Anyways... :cigney:

Yeah but I was hoping for at least some theatrics, she's know foe that. I guess its great that she sings live but if she is just gonna sit there and sing then :xcuseme:

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3 hours ago, ICouldntThinkOfOne said:

TMZ says no suprises, everyone is sad. VMA Producers, with tons of acts to hype, say Britney is gonna do something memorable, no one remembers he said this because TMZ said something?

If she's singing live, she won't do a whole song live, it'll be a portion of a song and into a routine.

This tbh, I mean are you people really going to believe TMZ's "sources" 


When does the magazine come out.......I wanna buy it 

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3 hours ago, SamanthaBailey said:

"It's all about the music"


OMG remember that insider say she supposed to sit down and sing live ?  End my life liveney :wendycry:

Do people really want this to happen? :umwtf:


To me that is just not a Britney performance, but we'll have to wait and see :pensiveney:




The Flaunt cover is flaw-free though :riri:

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The fact that (supposedly) the dancers are only women (and not men) could make sense since the "Make Me" music video is considered as a "female empowerment" discourse (by Britney, bc actually it's not about that). And maybe, the performance is about that (Run the world BBMA's vibe). Actually, I don't want Britney to pretend "having ***" with G-eazy in the Vma's, or doing any other cheap controversial performance (ala Miley Vma's). The "it's all about music" is very promising, Britney needs respect in this industry, and maybe she's coming for that. 

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4 hours ago, f_rhythm said:

nothing suprising? kind of dissapointed tbh

hopefully she still has something to have public talk about

we need to get to #1 on itunes :omg:


well, maybe that insider considers that the performance is nothing special, and it hasn't this "surprise" factor of previous Britney Vma's performances, but maybe another one considers that it's a really suprising and iconic performance. I mean, it's just an opinion. Btw, one Vma's executive said that Britney is doing "something" that she hasn't done before in the Vma's, and that's very surprising, isn't it???

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