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The BJ hate is so exaggerated and unnecessary

Someone Who Knows

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Outside of 'Work *****', 'Alien' and 'Perfume', the album is not good for Britney's usual level of quality.

Like try to play it after 'Glory', if you aren't underwhelmed then your taste is terrible.

She sings only about half of the vocals, I don't get how people are even trying to defend it. :madonna:

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Guest ErJ Spears
5 minutes ago, falka said:


It Should Be Easy


is my fav...



it could have been a good song but that auto-tune destroyed it,

the lyrics are nice and really meaningful and I'm not even kiddin' :howiroll:

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3 hours ago, Glory(Hole) said:

Jesus Christ. let it go already. We always get these pathetic threads attempting to defend the mess that is Brunta Johosa. I'm going to need you flop fans to stop apologizing on behalf of Brody Jones and quit trying to push the whole "it's not so bad" narrative----It's ******* terrible. *****,Britney couldn't even bother to record the album herself so she paid some dollar store Britney Spears impersonator to do it for her. 

It's a terrible ,uninspired,dated album filled with forgettable and embarrassing songs. Quit defending garbage. Some of you are so incredibly tacky. And no! I'm not going to get over the fact that an impersonator sang whole verses and choruses for her +adlibs and not for support/backing,but in an effort to deceive people into believing that these songs were being sung by the real Britney Spears. Absolutely pathetic album. 




it should have been released as a VEGAS EP.

1. Work *****

2. Perfume

3. Alien

4. Till Its Gone

5. Hold On Tight

6. Scream & Shout (bonus)

Fin. Release 'Work *****' then 'Alien' and not release 'Petfume' officially, but use it in an advert for one of her fragrances/vanilla candles (i.e. Private Show). Perfume name would be BRONA JENISA. 

Then, release PG (if we must), but throw Beyonce or Gaga on it, or literally ANYONE BUT IGGY AZALEA, he'll call Sabi! Jesus Christ. I was convinced she was trying to kill her career at that point. Releasing 'Booty Juice' and then a ******* Iggy collab at the peak of her backlash. literally, who okayed those things? That's why she's having to put in major promo time and us busting *** (requesting/gifting) just to try and scrape a top 10 position with MM. 

At least our girl woke the **** up just in the knick of time.:chershade:

And let's also put this into further perspective. If 'Glory' was anything like 'Britney Jean', it would have been the GP's officially waving her off to chart irrelevancy. Just thank god that is over.

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15 minutes ago, ErJ runs away said:

it could have been a good song but that auto-tune destroyed it,

the lyrics are nice and really meaningful and I'm not even kiddin' :howiroll:

Robotney is artistic expression for me.

:comingthru:blade runner ney :shake:

It is done just right IMHO in this particular example. 


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8 hours ago, nels64 said:

The problem isnt that the songs are necessarily bad songs. 

The problem is that every song save for Work ***** and Perfume sound like un-finished demoes. 
They sound like unfinished demoes because they are primarily sung by Myah Marie and other background vocalists and Britney really isn't front and center on her own songs. In addition to that the beats and melodies sound like a draft of something that was supposed to be taken a few steps further.

Britney Jean is not a horrible album. It's just an unfinished mess. 

THIS. 100%.


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Why does everyone find it so hard to let other people have an opinion?

Objectively, Britney Jean was a poor effort for a studio album. It was hyped as something special, including a note (I hope) written by Britney and it came after she'd been heavily criticised during Femme Fatale. The sound is dated, the songs are often unfinished, but we know by now that it WAS just a buzz album to amplify her public presence in the wake of her landing her biggest performance contract ever.

Subjectively, I view Britney Jean as a buzz album not unlike a B-Sides/Rarities/Unreleased songs album. They're never as good as a studio album but you can find some gems in there AND as a fan, something's better than nothing sometimes. You might regret its existence now but many of you would have been BEGGING Britney's team to officially release a record of unfinished tracks if there'd been no studio effort planned between FF and Glory.

Britney Jean gave us the iconic Work *****, which let's be honest, we really would not be happy without. That song gave us the best choreography we'd seen from her in YEARS. I think Perfume and Hold On Tight, as well as Brightest Morning Star are beautiful; I remember lurking on here for the years after Femme Fatale and some of you were so thirsty for just a few personal songs. Alien fits her narrative of isolation perfectly, and the other two ballads on the back end of the album are either about God or her kids. She got in the studio with her sister, finally; are you going to tell me that Britney didn't derive pleasure from that?

What I love about BJ is that my Mum and Dad, who aren't Britney fans in the slightest, heard me play the record in the car (much to their annoyance) and they had to admit they loved Perfume and Brightest Morning Star. They were different for Britney after a dance-heavy album. The personal angle may have been mis-sold, but don't tell me that song wasn't refreshing to hear from Britney at the time.

It was a massive mistake to let Will.i.am produce, as he's terrible in large doses. His input will forever be remembered as a poor choice, but let's not forget that this was effectively the trade-off for Scream & Shout, the song that gave Britney a massive boost from the GP. UK fans know what a joy it was to have Britney back at the Number One chart spot after eight years (since Everytime), where people criticised her for being crazy, and all of a sudden people are shouting 'Britney *****' in the clubs. 

I can PLAY Body Ache while we're drinking before a night out at University and people love the drop. Till It's Gone gets a good response too. 

Should you really defend BJ as a good album? Perhaps not, as the evidence is clear that it was very misguided. It's a bit of her stain on her stellar discography when she's expected to push boundaries and do more, but there IS good amongst the bad. Don't act like it's a 1/10 album when it really, really isn't. I'd give it 6 or 7, an average score, because as a whole package, in my opinion, that's what I think it is. I respect some people hate it, I respect some people love it.

And none of my friends even KNOW about the Myah thing. It's a controversy that exists within the fanbase only. Does that give it merit? Maybe if you're offended that you supported Britney and the record you got back wasn't a reciprocation of your efforts. But it is what it is.

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Britney Jean is Terrible, Will I **** On Your Career totally ruined the songs, put yet another Robo Britney song on an album, Shitty cheap warpy, glitchy production, and Britney Spears barely even sings on it! There I said it, Drag It! :icant1:


* Obviously it was more of a Time issue, rather than a vocal issue, Her voice slays in these new songs, and it's ALL her. Some choruses may be layered with herself, and maybe another, but it's perfect. If Meyer Marie is on here, I guess she's right where she needs to be on a Britney song, in the background.:walkonby:

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