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Glory is flying off the shelves!


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I went to buy the amazing ethereal legendary #Glory today and when I gave it to the guy to pay for it he said to me "I didn't know Britney Spears still made music!" and I was like yes hunny this album is amazzzingggg you need to buy it :ahhh: and then his coworker looked and said to me "it's really good, so many people have bought it today already" (and this was is in the afternoon)

I noticed they didn't have the vinyl and he told me it only comes out in November (so I'm assuming its not just the special vinyl with your name on it that isn't coming out yet but all vinyl editions?)

Anyway then the guy who didn't know Britney still did music asked me if she has released an album since she went "punk rock" (yes, he called 2007/2008 Britney being punk rock:haha:) and I stood there preaching about all her albums from the last 9 years (I love being charitable and educating people:riha:

So the point of my story is that Glory is selling really well in Ireland and is currently #1 on iTunes ahead of Francis River. I can't put into words how much I LOVE and appreciate this album and I cannot wait to see what else this era has to bring!



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