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First Pictures From Lifetime's Britney Spears Biopic

Jordan Miller

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3 hours ago, DoSomething954 said:

But did you guys see who is going to play JT? Omg this movie is gonna be so low budget. And why is there a role for Jenna Dewan Tatum? If anything that should be in JT's biopic, not Britney's. 

I know!? I saw that! So weird! Do you think they'll spill some tea on whether he cheated with ha :truthtea: because otherwise why even mention her! Or maybe they just put her in because she's sort of famous now lol! At least I hope they show how quickly he was with other girls when in the media he was trying to pretend he was sooooooooooo devastated :tiffeyeroll:

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4 hours ago, JKW said:

You guys are ******* stupid. This girl loves and respect Britney, no need to bash her. I'm sure this movie somehow turn out te be great and positive. Lets just make it positive: the GP will see what Britney have been through, its a change to earn some more respect from the GP.

Now I don't agree that it'll earn her more respect because Lifetime has a habit of just taking whatever they hear and turning it into crap (see: the Aaliyah biopic they did, also the Brittany Murphy biopic and a ton of others), but I do agree that there's no need to bash the actress playing her. It's Lifetime who is at fault here.

This is the equivalent of going into Walmart and screaming in a cashier's face all because you hate big corporations. :icant2:

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