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9 years ago...

Stifler's Mom

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Do you still remember the night of the VMA'S 2007 and not forget all the celebrities that laughed on Britney? Nowadays they praise her as if they always supported her... how phony and fake can they be? They all disgust me till today not gonna lie.

I understand why Britney feels so alienated since from then about the all music industry, fame thing... it's all fake, it's not real. she's just a humble person that decided NOT to be THOSE kind of people. that makes her so beautiful, how can you unstan ha? :overwhelm: 

sorry about bringing about these issues again, I think the VMA's this year really got me seeing the full picture of everything.

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Yeah the whole JT thing made me think about this, literally the amount of trash people have talked about her throughout the years is beyond belief. Always because they know she's so famous it will get them attention and online hits. Then they come licking her *** again for some articles, though she does have genuine famous stans too.

But I look at it in a positive light too, because it just reminds me that she's never publicly slated anyone. Even the couple of 'shady' things is mainly fans reaching. If anyone had a right to shoot back it's Britney but she's taken the high road her whole career. I don't think there's ever been a more humble celebrity. She's amazing.

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I remember watching the Red Carpet Pre-VMA's show that aired before the VMA's that night, and the interviewer was asking many of the celebrities there what are they most excited for that night, and almost everyone kept saying Britney! They were looking forward to Britney performing that night, opening the VMA's, so can you imagine the shock they got when Britney opened with that performance of her first comeback single "Gimme More", and now it's this Infamous Iconic Performance that we all talk about time and time again, in both good and bad ways, but mostly bad :wontcry:

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Just now, Miss Cootie said:

it was a good performance tho.

I know it was. I actually enjoyed it, tbh I didn't really notice the negativity of the situation until I read the Yahoo! news articles the next day. I was home alone watching it that night, and I actually absolutely loved the performance, and I remember when my family got home, my mom asked me so how did Britney do? Cause my mom was actually the one who told me earlier that year that Britney shaved her head, which totally blew my mind when I woke up one day and that's the first thing I hear, so my family and I were rooting for Britney's comeback later that Fall, and so I watched the VMA's looking forward to Britney's comeback, and I really loved it, and then later that night my mom asked me how was Britney's performance and I said, it was pretty good, unexpected but good :mhm: Aww the memories :crying1:

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I thought Britney wasn't at 100%, but I didn't think she did that bad. She looked sad. I remember thinking I just wish I could give her a hug.

Actually, her body made me like her more. She looked like... well me! And so many other women I know (actually, I think I was thinner than her at the time, but point being I had NEVER even come close to looking like her despite trying to imitate her my entire teen life).


I swear to God if I could have afforded to go out to California I would have figured out where Britney was shopping at (when she was aimlessly wandering around) and I just would have said 'Hey come with me. Let's go get some dessert or something and just chill and talk'. I'm younger than her, but my maternal instincts were kicking in overdrive.


The most heartbreaking picture ever of her was when she was sitting in the cafe, crying and her face is red and blotchy. She has tears streaming down her face and she's holding Sean Preston and NO ONE is helping her. No one is blocking the paps. No one is trying to comfort her. She is sitting there having a small breakdown (as a lot of  parents do) and the paps just stood there and took pictures. It was the most disgusting thing. She isn't an animal, she is a human. She deserves so much better.

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6 minutes ago, MeowBurglar said:

I thought Britney wasn't at 100%, but I didn't think she did that bad. She looked sad. I remember thinking I just wish I could give her a hug.

Actually, her body made me like her more. She looked like... well me! And so many other women I know (actually, I think I was thinner than her at the time, but point being I had NEVER even come close to looking like her despite trying to imitate her my entire teen life).


I swear to God if I could have afforded to go out to California I would have figured out where Britney was shopping at (when she was aimlessly wandering around) and I just would have said 'Hey come with me. Let's go get some dessert or something and just chill and talk'. I'm younger than her, but my maternal instincts were kicking in overdrive.


The most heartbreaking picture ever of her was when she was sitting in the cafe, crying and her face is red and blotchy. She has tears streaming down her face and she's holding Sean Preston and NO ONE is helping her. No one is blocking the paps. No one is trying to comfort her. She is sitting there having a small breakdown (as a lot of  parents do) and the paps just stood there and took pictures. It was the most disgusting thing. She isn't an animal, she is a human. She deserves so much better.

omg this makes me sad :(:crying2:

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11 minutes ago, MeowBurglar said:

I thought Britney wasn't at 100%, but I didn't think she did that bad. She looked sad. I remember thinking I just wish I could give her a hug.

Actually, her body made me like her more. She looked like... well me! And so many other women I know (actually, I think I was thinner than her at the time, but point being I had NEVER even come close to looking like her despite trying to imitate her my entire teen life).


I swear to God if I could have afforded to go out to California I would have figured out where Britney was shopping at (when she was aimlessly wandering around) and I just would have said 'Hey come with me. Let's go get some dessert or something and just chill and talk'. I'm younger than her, but my maternal instincts were kicking in overdrive.


The most heartbreaking picture ever of her was when she was sitting in the cafe, crying and her face is red and blotchy. She has tears streaming down her face and she's holding Sean Preston and NO ONE is helping her. No one is blocking the paps. No one is trying to comfort her. She is sitting there having a small breakdown (as a lot of  parents do) and the paps just stood there and took pictures. It was the most disgusting thing. She isn't an animal, she is a human. She deserves so much better.

that was the entire point of my thread actually. thank you. and yes, it was confirmed that she decided on the VMA's to go like that cuz she said "they will love me just as I am", a natural woman. but unfortantly, the industry doesn't work that way. yes she was a bit bigger, but she still looked flawless and **** ngl. ofc she was sad, from all the judgment from the crowd, srsly.  :cigney:

However, I'm happy she's gaining very slowly all her of self esteem and **** after that impact and break down. I believe she still has A LOT to give too us :likethat:

when it comes to the papps and all these people, the fame in general, I think she learned a lot from it and became the bigger person really, focusing on what really matters.

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5 minutes ago, Stifler's Mom said:

that was the entire point of my thread actually. thank you. and yes, it was confirmed that she decided on the VMA's to go like that cuz she said "they will love me just as I am", a natural woman. but unfortantly, the industry doesn't work that way. yes she was a bit bigger, but she still looked flawless and **** ngl. ofc she was sad, from all the judgment from the crowd, srsly.  :cigney:

However, I'm happy she's gaining very slowly all her of self esteem and **** after that impact and break down. I believe she still has A LOT to give too us :likethat:

when it comes to the papps and all these people, the fame in general, I think she learned a lot from it and became the bigger person really, focusing on what really matters.


I think she has finally found a nice balance.

She is in shape and looks amazing - but I hope she maintains it because it makes her feel good. Everyone feels better and has more confidence when they are in shape.

She lives her life the way she wants to now though. She can go places with her boys. Wear what she wants. She gets to be goofy and I think she has more control. She seems like she is doing really well.

Then when it's time for her to be "Britney Spears" she comes out and brings it. Sort of a double life, which has to be hard.


I have been in a very dark place, just like Britney actually. It was around the same time frame. I had gotten married and had a baby. We moved in with my in-laws because of job changes and our house wouldn't sell. I'll spare the details but essentially they verbally and mentally abused me to the point I because almost suicidal and my husband (their son) did nothing about it. One of the darkest times in my life.

So I know what it feels like to be so far in the hole and feel like you're completely drowning with no one to help you.

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18 minutes ago, MeowBurglar said:

The most heartbreaking picture ever of her was when she was sitting in the cafe, crying and her face is red and blotchy. She has tears streaming down her face and she's holding Sean Preston and NO ONE is helping her. No one is blocking the paps. No one is trying to comfort her. She is sitting there having a small breakdown (as a lot of  parents do) and the paps just stood there and took pictures. It was the most disgusting thing. She isn't an animal, she is a human. She deserves so much better.

This almost brought me to tears. God the ******* memories.

I love how turned off from the media she is. She just shut herself from almost everything (mainly the media) and only looked at her fanbase. She stayed true to herself, and she always was. Even when she was forced to say what she didn't want to, she would sound sarcastic or in a way we would know she wasn't being serious. Right now she's probably in a position where she could kick everyone's ***** for being fake ******* controlled by the industry to have fame, but she's a grown woman now and knows she's better than that. She's a literal inspiration for me and one of the strongest people I know. I swear to god I would kill myself if I were her in 2007.

Their faves will NEVER be as strong as Britney, dudes. And this fanbase is just as strong as her. I swear we're so blessed.


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38 minutes ago, BRING THE NOISE said:

I remember Kanye West saying that he must have opened the show. and bashed britney.
Also that woman who came up after Britney, with that shitty discurse 

I was really sad that night, she didn't deserve it. 


Ugh and Riri laughing at her during the performance. I can't. I still hold grudges.

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On 8/20/2016 at 0:21 AM, timaeus said:

This almost brought me to tears. God the ******* memories.

I love how turned off from the media she is. She just shut herself from almost everything (mainly the media) and only looked at her fanbase. She stayed true to herself, and she always was. Even when she was forced to say what she didn't want to, she would sound sarcastic or in a way we would know she wasn't being serious. Right now she's probably in a position where she could kick everyone's ***** for being fake ******* controlled by the industry to have fame, but she's a grown woman now and knows she's better than that. She's a literal inspiration for me and one of the strongest people I know. I swear to god I would kill myself if I were her in 2007.

Their faves will NEVER be as strong as Britney, dudes. And this fanbase is just as strong as her. I swear we're so blessed.



People forget she is just this Southern Girl that loved to sing and entertain.


Actually, the interview from that Gif ^^^ She was so real and very humble. She talked about cleaning her house and how she rode on her Daddy's lap in the car when she was little because "we're country". They ripped her to shreds for that interview. They said her clothes didn't fit. Her hair was a mess. She was pregnant and I think she just wore (what she saw as) a cute outfit.


I am glad that time in her life is over. Not the good parts - not the fact that at one time she was happy with Kevin but that she got her boys out of that entire ordeal. Everything that happens to us changes us for the good or worse. Britney chose to turn things around and decided to move in a positive direction. I'm so happy and proud of her and I hope she stays in a good place. She's my girl - I'll always root for her. I've loved her since I held the Baby One More Time album in my hands and obsessively looked for an outfit that looked just like the one she was wearing on the cover of it lol

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