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can't we make a group apology or something?


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I just think we were all so blown away this week with the Jimmy Kimmel bit, the album announcement/release date, a preorder, a new song. 

Then we had seen these amazing clips of a video for months, her (and her dancers) Instagram posts, we couldn't believe we were going to get a new iconic video from her in 2016. We had too much hype into something that was taken away from us with no word from her team, Brinny obviously doesn't have to explain anything to us, I would order her the virgin pina coloadas she likes so much if I was in Hawaii now.

I'm very disappointed in anyone being mean, hurtful, or disrespectful towards Britney, it's not acceptable. And anyone cancelling their pre-order is stupid. We should force them to order both standard and deluxe editions. 

I do understand the meltdowns, I am one of them completely distraught over another thrown away video and another lost opportunity to give this album the number one debut it deserves (yes the video would help that).


Here's hoping Britney knows how much we all worship, love, care, and adore her at the end of the day:hugs::kisses2all:

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I actually empathized how Britney would feel after reading some of the comments some of y'all wrote today. To put out a video only to receive rude responses from fans. Quite sad tbh! Especially since she seems very happy and involved in this album.:whitneyshade:

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3 minutes ago, KENZDOYLE said:

I just think we were all so blown away this week with the Jimmy Kimmel bit, the album announcement/release date, a preorder, a new song. 

Then we had seen these amazing clips of a video for months, her (and her dancers) Instagram posts, we couldn't believe we were going to get a new iconic video from her in 2016. We had too much hype into something that was taken away from us with no word from her team, Brinny obviously doesn't have to explain anything to us, I would order her the virgin pina coloadas she likes so much if I was in Hawaii now.

It was just too good to be true. It's still good, but things can't never be perfect with Britney Spears, and I think that's part of the charms of being her fan :ehidk: Like, after being a fan of hers, what else in the world could disrupt you or disappoint you? lol We're already trained for the hard life.


I do confess I feel a little bit overwhelmed. I've watched the video only three times since it premiered, it's just hard to enjoy it when we know what it could've and should've been. Even PG I streamed like crazy, because there was no surprise or deceit, we knew what was coming after the pictures on set. We already knew the worst part of it, so we were ready.


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1 minute ago, Pokémon Spears said:

It was just too good to be true. It's still good, but things can't never be perfect with Britney Spears, and I think that's part of the charms of being her fan :ehidk:Like, after being a fan of hers, what else in the world could disrupt you or disappoint you? lol We're already trained for the hard life.


I do confess I feel a little bit overwhelmed. I've watched the video only three times since it premiered, it's just hard to enjoy it when we know what it could've and should've been. Even PG I streamed like crazy, because there was no surprise or deceit, we knew what was coming after the pictures on set. We already knew the worst part of it, so we were ready.


LOL every time something at work goes a little off course I'm like kenzie remember there was a different version of the gimme more video. UGH


Yeah it's hard to stream it right now it's too fresh, but don't worry y'all I will when the heartache goes down a little. Between this and my POM show getting cancelled, I feel distraught.

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1 minute ago, KENZDOYLE said:

LOL every time something at work goes a little off course I'm like kenzie remember there was a different version of the gimme more video. UGH


Yeah it's hard to stream it right now it's too fresh, but don't worry y'all I will when the heartache goes down a little. Between this and my POM show getting cancelled, I feel distraught.

I feel so sorry about your show :sobbing: Are you planning to go sometime in the future?

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Maybe we can write one and Jordan can make it all official like he does an article and we can tweet it to her? I mean it's okay to be upset about the video but some things were just uncalled for and unnecessary, like those who cancelled their pre-orders. A lot of it is similar to a temper tantrum by a child who didn't get everything it wanted for presents. Britney really didn't deserve any of it:bthink: 

We could also spam her Instagram comments with hearts:britwtf3:

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I AGREE. Yall i feel like such an *** for complaining and being so damn dramatic. I didnt cancel my preorder (like some excessively dramatic members here :MJ:) but i said i needed a break from britney and I've never said that before :crying1: I think we can all safely say that the moment got the best of us and we were just disappointed we didnt get the original and so we took it out on her. In our defense, this has happened a lot to us and we just want the best for her career but we shouldnt of reacted that way. I feel like such a jerk and im gonna make sure to support her even harder this era now. I love her and i will never act like this again. I cant take a break from britney and none of yall should either :crying11:

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