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Music Reacts To Tragic Mass Shooting At Gay Nightclub In Orlando

Jordan Miller

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42 minutes ago, Body ache said:

It kinda is tho. Just a little bit.:mhm:

Are you ok?!? Why i should be guilty about somebody else's crime?I'm muslim and it doesnt mean that I WILL KILL SOMEBODY for his/her ****** orientation.Who the **** are you to judge me like that? Do you even know me? It's like saying you are the guilty one for being a citizen of western country just because they terrorizing middle east.Than you should move to south Korea or Japan LOL You are really IGNORANT. 

About Israel just because they support only LGBT community doesnt mean that Israel is safe.

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11 minutes ago, mihailtodorovsky said:

Are you ok?!? Why i should be guilty about somebody else's crime?I'm muslim and it doesnt mean that I WILL KILL SOMEBODY for his/her ****** orientation.Who the **** are you to judge me like that? Do you even know me? It's like saying you are the guilty one for being a citizen of western country just because they terrorizing middle east.Than you should move to south Korea or Japan LOL You are really IGNORANT. 

About Israel just because they support only LGBT community doesnt mean that Israel is safe.

Yeah but islam says that women should wear burkas and to hate the gays. If it didn't say that then radicals wouldn't use it to justify their hate towards women/gays. Not all of u are like that but it's in the koran and in your religion to hate/demonize people.

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2 minutes ago, ALLEYESONUS said:

Britney has been supportive for the lgbtq-community her entire career. She has shown so much respect and love towards the people. So why act like Britney doesnt care? Just because she didnt tweet about this?


you all serious ? this is the biggest terror in usa of all time, i ******* don't care she is personal or not, she is huge celeb, she must show her support and love 

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This entire situation is beyond ****** up. When will this all stop, when will the US learn? Terrorism will still exist regardless but it makes it a lot less more severe when you make access to guns restricted. All it took was Australia to have ONE mass shooting to outlaw semi-automatic weapons and put extremely tight regulations on them. 

I feel sick to my stomach. It's so easy to feel numb when it comes to mass shootings, especially when it happens every single day in the United States but this one hit so close to home and I'm heartbroken. 

My life is full of LGBTIQ members. You all make my life full of joy, love and passion. My sister, my best friend, work mates. You have made my life a better place to be.

My heart breaks for you all and I will stand with every single one of you during this time, I love you all. You're the strongest group of people I know, please stick together during this time and DO NOT let this ruin your spirits. 

This goes to all Muslims reading this, I hope during this time you guys stay safe because I know there's a ton of racist bigots that will be out in masses to ruin you. Stay strong, we all know you're a religion of love and amazing people. I'm sorry another disgusting attack motivated by ISIS has tainted your religion, once again. 

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Maybe because she doesn't have to? You can't force a person to publicly express her grief or her sadness because we all deal with that stuff in a different way. If you want to speak up, that's fine, if you want to stay silent and keep your feelings to yourself, that's fine too. It's about acknowledging the fact that every single human being behaves differently.

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It's bad, most of the people react because they are really sad, or even for publicity, but they react.

I don't know why she doesn't do it because let's be honest, she is pretty active in instagram right now. I don't see the point of uploading ugly pictures of random **** everyday and not having one single minute to even post one of those hears just to be part of the moment. :brityeah:

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Britney is always been like this. I dont remember any particular time she mourned about people have died or anything.

She didnt tweet for those who died from the massive earthquackes in the past either. Shes just not a kind of person shows her emotions much,not a shower probably... i mean whats good those tweets about the events do for those who died or lost a relative? none. :mhm:


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Chill down. Not everybody must say something about tragedy. You pissed at her? And what did YOU do to help with it? It wasn't another marketing idea it was a TRAGEDY.


She do a lot of charity but in quiet, we all know she's a good person. She do something more than one stupid tweet 

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42 minutes ago, LanaBrit said:

you all serious ? this is the biggest terror in usa of all time, i ******* don't care she is personal or not, she is huge celeb, she must show her support and love 

How old are you? "She must show her support and love"? Just because u want it, doesnt mean she must do it?! Wtf 

she didnt tweet about Paris back then but inserted a moment of silence during POM. We all deal with these stuff differently

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