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Slayer last won the day on June 25 2023

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  1. If you’re going to respond to me respond to the DMs with multiple concerns expressing our worries about transphobia and racism. That would be more useful than your little quips address the issues, or do you not care about the users here? @Jordan Miller- it is highly concerning that concerns about racism/transphobia can be ignored… that isn’t normal.
  2. I mean if he thinks it is appropriate to ban me for saying I’m uncomfortable here as a person of colour because my words are ignored when I express my concerns about the rampant racism on the forum that is odd.
  3. Atleast racism isn’t tolerated for 4 days, thank god for Jordan I feel so comfortable here as person of colour knowing racism won’t be tolerated for four days at a time. Oh wow, I’m so lucky!
  4. Or shall we talk about the people you defend publicly yet laugh about them in DMs and refer to them as trolls? I can say more if you like
  5. Oh look at you, you decide to respond when you’re too lazy to stop racism on your forum, typical Jordan. Isn’t it hilarious that multiple mods left the team because of you Do you want me to say anymore Jordan because I’m more than happy to. Like the fact a child of Britney has an account here and you’re aware of it and allow them to get attacked. Shall we talk about that?
  6. Are you asking why I’m being rude when you’re defending people who encourage violence and call Sam a pu$$y? I’m not saying I was there, I’m not saying he should have done X and praising for doing X at the scene as I was not there. I praised how he has dealt with it online defending his wife. It is people you are defending making assumptions, negative ones at that, when they themselves were not there but you’re happy to defend that? Okay
  7. So I guess nothing changes with new mods, they just ignore trolling and like negative comments and side with the most hateful people here
  8. How can you say he could’ve done more based on tabloids and some trolls? I think you can only say that if you were actually there
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