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  1. Lana photographed celebrating Pride Month at LGBTQ+ dedicated picnic, she quotes: “I’m just happy to be here with all my girls, we have the best girls in town right here.”
  2. So, I decided to get back on Youtube. I took a long hiatus but I just uploaded my first video in a long time. In doing so, I stumbled upon THIS video, where I reflected on the NYT's documentary Framing Britney Spears. I uploaded this on 2/12/21... A little over a year ago. It is SOOOO interesting to watch myself talk about this documentary NOW, knowing what we know. I definitely wouldn't have said some of the things that I did -- like that Jaime seemingly had good intentions in 2007 knowing what we know about him & Lou & the loan -- but for the most part, I stand by what I spoke about at the time. We didn't know a lot, and I am SURE this is only the tip of the iceberg of what's to come out... But I am so happy that Lou is going to get what's coming to her, and I spoke about her in this documentary and remember wondering (and being hopeful!) if any investigation would bring up her dirty deeds. But it also seemed like things were moving impossibly slow... I remember arguing SO MUCH with my friends about Britney during this time. Literally people that weren't Britney fans, but were just judging her for her IG, and still calling her crazy, and saying that it seemed like she "needed" a conservatorship. It felt impossible to shift people's perspective on this and to zoom out on the bigger picture and get them to understand that -- if anything -- the conservatorship is what caused her mental health to worsen. It felt like the public would never get on our side. But then the NYT jumped in and helped usher this movement to the mainstream. It's crazy to reflect upon this past year, how quickly things moved, and now that Britney is out... I can't wait to see people be subpoenaed and justice brought to this terrible, terrible, situation. In this year, both Hulu & Netflix continued with documentaries, and the NYT has written many articles covering Britney's case, most importantly covering the conservatorship in regards to her finances and Lou Taylor. Did you think one year ago we would be here? Were you hopeful, or were you afraid the conservatorship would just continue to be covered up? What surprises you most about what's been revealed in this year? If you're bored, give it a watch and reminisce on how far we've come -- and if you're feeling gracious check out my other videos (I was a flight attendant at Emirates Airline, and now starting for a domestic in the USA). I would appreciate any feedback on what you'd like to see from a FA vlog as I ultimately want to become a flight attendant that puts out inspiring and educational content that helps people grow and become their best selves, not just travel vlogs, but there will be some of that of course! Appreciate you!
  3. After the release of Framing and Controlling, could we expect Freeing Britney Spears as the third and final chapter of the New York Times series? Now that Jamie is being suspended this could be the film where we see Britney herself sharing her story on camera as she reunites with old friends and colleagues. When do you think we'll see this and how do you think Britney will tell her story? Also who would you want to appear in the film Let us know your "really cool, interesting and different" thoughts below Freeing Britney Spears (Fan-Made Poster)
  4. After the release of Framing and Controlling, could we expect Freeing Britney Spears as the third and final chapter of the New York Times series? This could be the film where we see Britney herself sharing her story on camera as she reunites with old friends and colleagues. When do you think we'll see this and how do you think Britney will tell her story? Also who would you want to appear in the film Let us know your "really cool, interesting and different" thoughts below Freeing Britney Spears (Fan Made Poster)
  5. Friday, February 5 at 10/9c p.m. For people who are NOT from the US, here's a stable link for you to watch the doc.
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